Down Under

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

Well... this is quite the predicament. A portal of sorts opened underneath us and before we reached the others and now we're in the sewers. Thankfully Ryuu and I are still together. I guess we're just gonna have to find Killua and Gon and hopefully a way out.

(Y/N) "Ryuu, do you think you can change into a dog or something and sniff the other guys out?"

Ryuu "You want me to inhale fermented sewage air in an attempt to find a boy that smells like grass and an assassin who barely smells like anything at all?"

(Y/N) "W-well, when you put it that way..."

Ryuu "Come on. Let's get a move on. We'll think of a way to find them on the way."

(Y/N) "T-that doesn't sound like a solid plan..."

Ryuu "Oh those two will be fine! Gon survived a stand-off against Hisoka, and if it's Killua we're talking about, I'm sure that thing won't stand a chance!"

(Y/N) "Yeah... I guess you're right. H-he is pretty cool..."

Ryuu "Oh~? Is someone finally admitting he has a crush on Killua~?"

I felt heat shoot all the way up to my face and down to the rest of my body which probably shouldn't happen considering I'm cold-blooded!

(Y/N) "W-w-w-w-wha?! N-no! I don't have a crush on... K-killua..."

Ryuu "Really now? Your reaction suggests otherwise~ I can practically hear your heartbeats from here. Should I also take a peek into your head to see what you're imagining?"

(Y/N) "N-no! I mean- I-I'm not imagining anything!"

Ryuu "Really now~?"

(Y/N) "S-stop talking!!"

Gon "Guys!"

Our heads turned to the side to see the ever-jovial voice of Gon which echoed past us and came back due to the large sewer system. Walking nonchalantly next to him is the person that I simultaneously want to see the most and the least at the moment, Killua.

Gon caught up with us and stopped ahead of Ryuu whilst Killua stopped ahead of me. Due to the embarrassing exchange I just had, I averted my gaze and looked at literally anything other than Killua himself which - in retrospect, must have looked incredibly suspicious and/or awkward.

Thankfully, Killua didn't get a chance to comment on it as our attention was quickly drawn to another sound. Splashing, along with an eerie giggling. The atmosphere quickly tensed back up as we ready for battle. Ryuu turned into a snake again and the four of us backed each other, facing our attention to each of the four tunnels. Seeing as there won't be any consequence to killing whatever this creature is, I summoned the Blade of Woe. Similarly, Killua extended his claws.

Perhaps the creature saw that we were getting serious as the giggling abruptly stopped. A few seconds later, rapid splashes were heard going farther and farther, as if the creature was running away.

(Y/N) "I-I think it's going that way." I said pointing to the tunnel I was watching.

Ryuu "Come on!"

In his serpent form, Ryuu dived into the waters and charged towards the splashing with Killua, Gon, and myself in toe.

Being in water, Ryuu was faster than us and was able to turn a corner early where not long after, we heard loud splashes. Finally rounding the corner ourselves, we saw that Ryuu had entangled the long boney creature whilst biting on the side of it's face. His body continued to slither and grip becoming tighter and only a seconds later...


A very audible crack resounded, and the boney creature went limp.

We waited for a few more seconds and Ryuu uncoiled himself. Once he was completely off and back to our side, I inspected the scene. Perhaps wisdom suggested me to stay away but curiosity has always been a curse upon me. Getting a bit closer to the body, I saw the havoc Ryuu had wrought on it by his crushing grip. Everything was misshapen and bending in unnatural ways, as if the bones had been crushed into bits.

That being said, I was able to get a bit of a closer look at what exactly we were facing. I don't know of any demon sub-species that look like this. In fact, whatever I'm looking at seems to resemble a human, but contorted in grotesque ways. 

It's a shame this one's dead. I wonder if I can get a live specimen...


Well, well...

Looks like It's my lucky day...


Gon "AH! Fresh air at last!"

Gon opened the manhole cover and we all crawled out from the sewers. Ryuu was last to get out because, well-


Ryuu "Gah! There! Dammit, why am I the one who had to carry this stupid thing?"

(Y/N) "Because you're physically the strongest?"

Ryuu "Yeah, And you can summon other demons. Why didn't you just someone one to carry this thing out?!"

(Y/N) "Summoning takes a toll on me! Besides, if you got tired, we still have one more muscle-head."

Ryuu "Who?"

Gon "Ooh a moldy cake! Hmm, Wow! I taste mold!"

Everyone except Gon "..."

Ryuu "Point taken."

Going back to the situation at hand, we have the sewer creature incapacitated and bound up. I cast a rune beneath it and teleported away. If nothing goes wrong, it should appear in one of the prison cells back at the castle for me to experiment with later on.

Seeing as it's getting dark, we decided to rest for the day at a motel in the beach-side-town we past through before going to this one. After renting two rooms, we had dinner at a nearby restaurant and decided to head to a waterfall at the side of the island when morning comes.

After entering our room, which was the one with the single full-sized bed, Ryuu left saying that he's forgot to tell Gon something. A moment later, Killua entered the room and closed the door behind him.

He looked around nervously, his cheeks seems to have a pinkish blush to them which was easy to spot given the contrast to his pale skin. Killua scratched the back of his head, as if contemplating what he was about to do before giving me a sideways glance and asking me this;

"Hey... umm... do you mind if I sleep with you?"

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