A Scaley Family

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(Y/N)'s POV

The snake coiled around me and i slowly opened my eyes. I looked to my side and saw it began to slither off of me. The snake pushed one of the loose wooden planks away to reveal a long tunnel. It looked back at me for a moment before slithering into it.

(Y/N) "W-wait!"

It was still in there. I heard it. Is it waiting for me? I slowly got on my arms and knees and began crawling inside. Trying my best not to have dirt get into my scars or roots pull off my bandages. Of course trying to get my skin off contact from them would also be ideal given that i was in the bathroom and still.. you get it.

The snake led me to what looked like a den. A large open dug-out chamber beneath the ground with twigs and dried leaves in the center. The place was quite spacious, tall enough for me to stand (albeit a little crookedly) and wide enough for me to lay down and streatch all the way.

In the middle of the chamber was a cluster of dried leaves and twigs. After further inspection, i saw coils of smaller snakes inside.

The small snakes saw me and began to slither towards me. I was scared at first but the large serpent that brought me here stayed next to me. It calmed me a bit.

The small snakes climbed around me and wrapped themselves everywhere, they were cute but i got jumped when one rubbed near my ear.

(Y/N) "Hey! That tickles!"

The large snake, which i now understand is their mother) hissed and one by one they dropped off of me and on to the ground, they all ran back into the nest. The mother snake began to nudge me too. I looked back to see that they were all coiled and resting their heads. Wait.. they're getting ready to sleep! Is that what she wants me to do?

Well... it's not like i have much choice. Hey better this than being eaten right? Though i do wish i have my clothes but im not risking death yet! Im only 10!

Pushing my fears aside, i let the snake nudge me around until i was directly in the middle of everyone else. They wrapped around me and it felt warm. I felt my mind slowly drift into darkness and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day

I felt something nudge my back, i slowly opened my eyes to barely some streaks of light coming out of a hole in the.. ceiling..? Wait no, that's dirt! Where am i?

My eyes folded open slowly to see two snakes infront of me holding my shorts and my shirt in their mouth. Oh right! I got abducted by snakes yesterday! Hm... odly enough this is probably the nicest thing that has happened to me. I've never been woken up by soft nudging before. It's always a slap from mom, or dad tilting my bed over till i fe...-

(Y/N) "*gasp* MOM AND DAD!!"

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