Into The Castle

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Gon's POV

Pina and I opened the large doors and entered the castle. The inside looks completely different. Instead of the gray stone bricks that make up the castle, the interior walls are covered with wallpaper, carved wooden pillars and panels, paintings, golden candle holders and generally speaking looks much fancier. There's also a change in temperature. It's much warmer in here than out there which is a welcome change.

Pina "Gon... let's finish this as quickly as possible. I'm not comfortable here."

I looked behind me at Pina who still stayed close to the door we entered from. Despite the bland expression he always keeps on, i can feel the worry that laced his words.

Gon "What's wrong? it's warmer here!"

Pina "Yeah, I think I'd rather freeze..." he said as he looked around.

Gon "okay okay. come on, let's find (Y/N)"

Pina followed next to me as we continued into a hallway of sorts. Deeper in and then turning through a door on the right brought us into a small lounge room which looks very comfy. It had sofas, chairs, books, tables, basically just a place to sit down and relax. past the door through that though is where it stars to get a bit excessive. A large living room. At the end of the room is a fancy circular staircase leading up to the next floor. In the middle were a set of sofas and comfy chairs with a short table facing a large fireplace and above that, a HUGE golden chandelier.

I walked in a bit deeper and looked around. All this fanciness is honestly making me a bit dizzy.

Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to take in the sights as i heard a thud from behind me. Looking there, I saw Pina with his hands and knees on the floor. Worried, i ran to him and kneeled.

Gon "Pina! Are you okay?"

Pina "My head! It-... hurts!... this- Evil...!"

Gon "huh? w-what do you mean?"

Pina "I feel it-... She lurks... at the edge of my mind! Trying to-... break through...!"

Gon "S-she?"

Pina suddenly clasped his head with both his hands and fell to the ground, curling up and screaming in pain.

I don't know what to do! How am i supposed to help him?! I don't feel anything trying to get into my mind.

I grabbed him and tried to help him up but it's no use. Pina just wriggled about in pain, his screams echoing throughout the large room but then... he suddenly stopped.

Gon "P-Pina...?"

He didn't respond. i grew more and more worried and that only grew as the room suddenly felt freezing. The fires died but suddenly burst alight again with dark purple flame leaving the room dimly lit.

Pina "She is here...."

I turned to Pina again who just spoke. I tried lifting him up but my body froze with fear when i saw his face. His eyes were rolled all the way back so far that i could see the red roots of it and thick scarlet blood seeped out of them. His face turned deathly pale. I wanted to say something to him but i couldn't. i didn't know what to say or what to think, but then i felt it...

I felt what he meant...

darkness surrounded the edges of my mind as my fears danced around it conjuring up thoughts in my mind that i don't want to have. Scenarios i never wish to see, long forgotten nightmares, unfamiliar terrors that chilled me down to the bone. I let a hand go of Pina and held my own arm. i felt so cold and i could barely sense a pulse.

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