Hunter's Exam

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(Y/N)'s POV

(I named the male reader Kuro but of course, his name and looks is entirely up to you

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(I named the male reader Kuro but of course, his name and looks is entirely up to you.)

A year has past. Im now 11 years old and mom finally thinks im ready to join. I've practiced my abilities both physical, mental, or magical. Ryuu is also joining me but as to not be devided by the Exam Comittee, Ryuu will take the form of a snake and not break that form until we finish the exam.

Before leaving home, aunt Minerva gave me a backpack filled with a small book of spells that also doubles as my notebook, some food, and other bits and bobs. She also put in some medical equipment even though i don't need it. Demonic regeneration is very fast.

Mom is standing next to us and looking at the small restaurant where the exam is supposed to begin - or at least it's primary phase. How did we know all this? Well let's just say i learned how to make people spill out information that they shouldn't.

Mom then crouched down and gave something, a dagger with an odd looking dark-coloured blade.

Malphas "(Y/N), this is the Blade of Woe. It's a weapon that i used when i was young. Although i believe that your abilities are enough to get you through this exam, it never hurts to have a back-up plan. This blade will answer you when you call it. Whenever you need it, say "Return from the shadows." And it will apear to you."

(Y/N) "okay mom."

Mom then pulled me and Ryuu (still in snake form) into a tight hug.

Malphas "be careful you two, look out for eachother, and come back to me safely, okay?"

(Y/N) "we will mom..."

Malphas "i love you..."

(Y/N) "we love you too mom..."

Our hug lasted for maybe a few minutes until mom released us and wiped a tear on the side of her face. We then said our goodbyes and Ryuu and I entered the building.

*Small Timeskip*

(Y/N) "huh... this place is more crowded than i thought..."

Ryuu then spoke to me telepathically. (It will be shown in italic, Ryuu can't talk while in snake form.)

Ryuu "the numbers of applicants change every year. The Exam is always so hard to predict because it's never consistent."

(Y/N) "well then, i guess we should get a move on."

As i walked and Ryuu slithered next to me, i saw everyone staring back at us. I tried not to get in anyone's way and just move forward. Eventually we bumped into a... jelly bean? With a small tuxedo?

Jelly bean(?) "Hello! Please take your number badge."

He then gave me a white badge with the number 399 on it.

Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now