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A little bit of context: Kami and Tani are the name of Malphas's other two children. They are both boys and are twins. They are 12 years old (Kami being the older one) so that would mean they are younger than Ryuu but older than (Y/N). I'll leave their appearance up to you.

(Y/N)'s POV

Two days have passed since we started living here. I'm still getting used to everything but for the most part, I love it! I have a big room with a balcony on it, granting me fresh cold air every morning, next to mine is Killua's room, and next to his is Kami's, across the hall is Gon's room, next to his is Ryuu's, and next to his - across from Kami's is Tani's room, though as I understand it, they usually move into one room. Following the hallway out, we are lead to a lounge room with a fireplace, bookcases, a grand piano along with an assortment of other musical instruments, couches, tables, and even an in-door fish pond. A theme I noticed that seems to be prevalent throughout the entire castle is a distinct lack of modern technology.

Back at Aunt Minerva's house, we had a computer, game console, wi-fi, and all sorts of other things. But none of that exists here, and the farther you go into the castle, the less technology you see. In fact, mom's quarters doesn't even have an air conditioner like the rest of ours. Heck, the only piece of technology she has there is her flip-phone and a record player - and even I'm hesitant to call that 'technology.'

Maybe it's time to spruce thing up around here...

I turned to my right and tapped on Ryuu's shoulder. He looked at me with a curious smile and asked what's up. With his attention thoroughly grasped, I presented my idea for the day.

(Y/N) "Hey Ryuu, how about we ask mom to buy us some games?"

Ryuu "Oh finally! I thought you'd never ask!"

(Y/N) "Eh? You had this in mind already?"

Ryuu "Dude, I've been thinking of asking her for a game console the second I saw the black-and-white TV in the living room! This place hasn't left the 1800's! Thank Lucifer there's at least internet. Even if it's not wi-fi..."

(Y/N) "But... why didn't you ask her yourself?"

Ryuu "You kidding me? She'd shoot me down in an instant, but if you do it, I'm sure she'll agree."

(Y/N) "W-why? What's the difference."

Ryuu "You're her favourite."

(Y/N) "W-what?! No I'm not! Mom loves us all equally, I'm not her favourite!"

Ryuu's expression changed completely. His mouth was now completely straight and poking into his cheeks at each end, looking as if I just said the biggest lie the world has ever heard. Ryuu looked over his shoulder at the twins who stood around at the back, talking to each other. His call to them, brought their attention to us.

Ryuu "Oi Kami! Tani! (Y/N) didn't know he's mom's favourite!"

A smile of astonishment grew on both their faces as they then looked at me.

Kami "Seriously? You didn't notice?"

Tani "You're kidding."

I looked back at Ryuu, wondering exactly how much did I not catch on to.

Ryuu "How many times have you been yelled at for coming home late?"

(Y/N) "Umm... I... don't know."

Ryuu "Because she never yells at you, it's always me that gets blamed."

(Y/N) "Wha? How come I've never heard it?"

Ryuu "She always sends you off the hook first. After we get back from playing around, Ever notice why I always come into our room a few minutes after you do? Yeah."

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