Short Nap

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(Y/N)'s POV

I decided to go find Killua first and see how he's doing. Ryuu and i scouted the area for a bit but eventually we found Killua in the forest facing three guys eith blue, red, and orange shirts respectively.

We hid behind a bush and watched.

Ryuu "shouldn't we help him or something?"

(Y/N) "im sure he's got everything under control. We'll jump in if we need to."

One of them threatened Killua to give them his badge (an astronomically dumb move considering how deadly Killua is) to which they only got a long and drawn out.

Killua "Baaaka."

The guy kicked Killua on the chest, sending him flying back but they didn't have time to regret the move as in the blink of an eye, Killua was behind one of them and holding said person hostage.

Killua "don't move. My nails are sharper than knives."

A drop of blood trickled from the hostages neck.

Killua "which one of you has badge 197?"

The three went quiet for a bit until one showed his badge.

Killua "hand it over."

With a grin, he opened his palm and the one holding the badge threw it at him. Killua looked at it for a second before letting go of his hostage and letting the guy run back to his team. All three then legged it and were out of sight.

Wait... speaking of out of sight... where's Killua?

Killua "enjoying the show?"

(Y/N) "AAH!"

In shock, i lost my balance and ended up falling out the bushes face-first into the grass.

I pulled myself to a sitting position and rubbed the grass and dirt off me then looking back to see Killua with a mischievous kitty smirk and Ryuu on his shoulders with an equally mocking smirk.

(Y/N) "you knew and you didn't tell me?! I trusted you, Ryuu!"

Ryuu "meh. Sacrifice a bit of your trust to see you fall into a blushing mess. Sounds like a good deal to me."

(Y/N) "meanies!!"

*Small Timeskip*

Killua and I walked side-by side with Ryuu slithering next to me as we wandered about, eventually finding a cluster of trees next to a running stream. Seeing as we both already have our badges, we decided to rest there for a bit.

Ryuu coiled behind me as i sat down, leaning on the tree and Killua did the same next to me.

We enjoyed a bit of silence. Hearing only the rushing water and rustling of plants, the wind blowing gently between us.

Killua "hey (Y/N)? What are you really?"

(Y/N) "huh?"

Killua "well... it's obvious by now that you're not just a kid who happens to have some snake-like traits. You also have some weird abilities and can command Ryuu at will, so what are you really?"

I shuffled my legs a bit and fiddled my fingers. What am i even supposed to tell him? That i was just a normal boy but then i was resurrected as a demon? He'll either laugh at me or hate me!

I then heard Ryuu speaking to me telepathically.

Ryuu "just tell him."

(Y/N) "huh?"

Ryuu "just tell him everything... it'll be okay... if Killua really values you, he'll accept you no matter what."

I thought about it for a bit. Letting my fears go and taking a deep, long breath, i muster up enough courage to finally admit.

(Y/N) "i... im a d-demon. My dad shot me when i was 10 and Malphas resurrected me by giving me half of Ryuu's soul. It has it's ups and downs. On the bright side, i get a lot of cool new powers but... every few days, i need to eat humans in order to sustain my new form."

I swallowed my fears and slowly look back at him, oddly enough, Killua didn't look shocked or disgisted or anything. Just looking at me as if i told him something mundane. But then a small smile began to show up on his face.

Killua "i knew it."

(Y/N) "wha?"

Killua "oh don't give me that clueless dumb expression. You look like Gon. Of course i knew that you're not human! I just wanted to hear from you what exactly you were."

(Y/N) "and you're not... grossed out or...?"

Killua had a sarcastic smirk and one of his eyebrow raised high on his forehead.

Killua "im planning on killing people for a living."

I ended up laughing a little bit.

(Y/N) "okay. Point taken."

Killua "i've noticed you've been a lot more nervous to talk about yourself ever since you showed me you can turn to smoke, so i thought it might have been something on your mind."

(Y/N) "w-was i really that obvious?"

Killua "very."

I ended up blushing in embarrassment which prompted Killua to laugh.

Killua "you know, considering your scales are gray-ish, whenever you blush you look like a dusty strawberry."

(Y/N) "shut up!"

I only got redder and Killua laughed harder as i push him away.

After the whole thing is over, we ended up sharing stories again as if the revelation never happened at all. But it does feel different now. The atmosphere is a lot lighter and i can speak freely since im no longer worried of accidentally revealing things.

Eventually, i got sleepy from the calm winds and closed my eyes, hoping to only rest them for a bit but falling into a complete sleep in the process.

*Killua's POV*

Killua "and then i told Piggy to-"

*light snore*

My sentence was cut off as i looked back and saw (Y/N)'s head tilting to the side, completely asleep. His snake seemed to be asleep too. I looked left and right and didn't see anyone so maybe i can just...

I grabbed (Y/N) and brought him to me a bit. Leaning his head on my shoulder. Involunterily, i blushed from the embarrassment of knowing what im doing and also from the thought of him waking up in the middle of it but it looks like he's still sound asleep.

The wind is pretty nice... i guess it can't hurt to have a little nap. I'll know if anyone's nearby anyway so he'll be safe...

He'll be safe....

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