First Steps

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(Y/N)'s POV

I ticked back into reality and yawned. As if by reflex, my body rose up as i streatched off the drowsines and slowly open my eyes. Im in a room, one much nicer than what im used to. Looking at where my foot would be, a large dark green snake coils himself above my blanket and legs. Oh right! I forgot that we moved in to a new house. The snake must be Ryuu.

I tried to slowly move my way out of the bed, not wanting to wake him but to no avail. Ryuu was sleeping directly above my legs so i guess it was almost impossible not to wake him while trying to get out.

(Y/N) "hahah. Good morning. Sorry i woke you."

Ryuu only sticks out his tongue and make a hissing noise but i can her his voice clearly in my head.

Ryuu "morning and it's alright. I was getting hungry anyway."

I wonder why i can hear him. I may ask mom later. Well seeing as he's already hungry, we might as well go down. We greeted everyone then had breakfast. Aunt Mimerva's cooking is awesome and for once, i don't only get to the scraps! I gotta admit, im starting to like this new life thing.

After breakfast, i took a bath then got out only for Ryuu to go in. I looked around and saw mom sitting on a sofa. With nothing better to do, i went over to her and sat down.

Malphas "hi sunshine."

(Y/N) "hi mom."

Malphas "so how are you holding up? I hope all of this isn't too much to handle. We'll take things a bit slower from now on if you still need time."

(Y/N) "no no! Im fine. Still getting used to the new body thing though. Kinda weird having scales."

Malphas "ahh well it's a blessing and a curse. Oh speaking of! Now that you're technically a demon, you'll be able to preform dark magic with ease. It's a practice skill but i'll teach you how to do it."

(Y/N) "dark magic huh? Like what?"

Malphas "hmm... one of my favourite ones is to turn things into stone. And funily enough, my mother is actually the one who taught me."

(Y/N) "Like... Medusa?"

Malphas "yes! Just like grandma Medusa. Now, look at that flower and imagine it turning into stone."

oka- wait did she just say grandma Medusa?

I did as mom instructed and focused my gaze on the flower in a small vase. I tried to imagine it turning into stone. I squinted my eyes and focused as hard as i can but nothing seemed to be happening.

(Y/N) "Hnnnggghh!!"

I clenced my fist and still looked at the flower but again. Nothing was happening. After a few minutes of me still trying, i stopped and caught my breath.

Ryuu "i think you're focusing too hard." Looks like Ryuu got out of the bathtoom.

(Y/N) "why isn't it working?"

Malphas "hmm... maybe Ryuu is right. You're forcing yourself. Magic should feel natural, stay calm and relax. Now, try it again."

Ryuu "you got this."

(Y/N) "okay.. okay... phew."

Once more, i opened my eyes and focused my gaze on the flower, it started to shake a little! Im doing it!


(Y/N) "Ah!"

It blew up!!

Ryuu "dude! She said 'stone' not 'spontanius combustion'!!"

(Y/N) "it was an accident!!"

Malphas "Hahahah! It's alright, you'll master the skill in time. Good first try though. You definitely learn faster than Ryuu."

Ryuu "Hey!"

Minerva "that better not have been another flower that you exploded, Malphas!"

Oh carp!

Ryuu "shit!"

Malphas "uh-oh. You two run off now. Unless you want to get an earful from your aunt."

Ryuu "no need to tell me twice! Come on!"

Ryuu then grabbed my arm and dragged me out the house. I looked back to see Mom and Aunt Minerva laughing as we ran out.

Oof. Sorry mom.

*After a few minutes of walking*

Ryuu "so where'd you wanna go?"

(Y/N) "i don't know. Never been here."

Ryuu "well we could to the park, or maybe get something to drink, there's also the mall and maybe the arcade."

(Y/N) "arcade? What's that?"

Ryuu suddenly stopped and looked at me as if i just said blasphemy.

Ryuu "You don't what an arcade is??!!"

(Y/N) "n-no..."

Ryuu "How did you stay alive??!! Come on!"

Once again, i was dragged off to somewhere. Im begining to see a theme here.

*Back in the house*

Malphas' POV

Malphas "hahah! He's a quick learner i'll give him that. Not exactly the spell i was hoping for but it's progress."

Minerva "mhm. It took me a lot longer to learn even the simple ones."

Minerva then walked over to the TV and turned it on. The twins were playing in with their toys near her.

Minerva "oh my.... Malphas, you might wanna see this..."

I looked over to see Minerva and the twins having their eyes fixed on the TV. I walked over and looked for myself. It was the news channel and they were reporting... (Y/N)'s old house?

Reporter "this just in! An abandoned shack on the outskirts of town has suddenly turned completely into stone! Whitnesses reported seeing the wood slowly began turning and even the ground and grass are now made of pure stone! Scientists are still baf...."

I toned him out. I looked at Minerva and she looked back at me.

Minerva "no wonder the flower didn't turn, he was still thinking of his old house!"

Malphas "yeah... but to be able to turn an entire house to stone on his first try..."

Minerva "you better go find him before he hurts himself. If he's still having painful memories of his old life, there's no telling what he can do with power like that!"

Malphas "I will. You stay with the twins."

I then rushed out the house to track both my sons down. I don't care if civilians got injured, but if he used this power while thinking of Ryuu or himself... i can't bear to think of what might happen!

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