On Shaken Ground

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(Y/N)'s POV

Gon decided to come with us, but none of us are really certain what his intention really is - in fact, I'm willing to bet that even he isn't sure. Regardless, I made my intention clear. And this time - should he try to intervene, I'll cut his arm off as a warning, to him and everyone else.

After a time, we made it to the front of the observatory. The large metal doors slid open by themselves, as if the facility is beckoning us in. I entered first. Ryuu and Killua followed close behind me, with Gon at the back of the line. As expected, the metal doors closed by themselves, and the lights within the observatory clicked on in dramatic fashion.

Dad always did have a thing for clichés.

The entire place looked run down with containers, and metal gadgets all strewn about the floor, walls, and ceiling. Cables are left cut, tangled, some even sparking. I would've figured he wasn't here at all if not for the overbearing smell of alcohol. All around me were empty bottles of cheap whiskey, they same brand he always buys...

Without another word, I gathered magic around my hand and fired it down to the ground. A ring of fire enveloped the place. Anything caught directly in the blaze was either burnt to ash, or melted. The flames spread quickly. Within mere seconds, everything was encased in the blaze. As expected, the others questioned the move I made unannounced.

Gon "Ah! Hot! Hot! Hot!"

Ryuu "What the heck was that for, (Y/N)?!"

I turned to face him.

(Y/N) "I want to make sure nothing gets in... or out."

Ryuu's POV

W-what is this...? My body shaking...? He's like a completely different person...!

The bright glow of his eyes, the sadistic smile, the tilted head, the bloodlust...

And the darkness pouring out of him... It's nauseating to say the least.

 He's just like mom...

(???) "Well, well. It looks like you finally unlocked your abilities. Took you long enough, but what else would I expect from a worthless shit-stain like you?"

A voice resonated from the speakers. (Y/N)'s flames began to grow more intense, to the point that even I'm finding it hard to breathe. I tried to tell him, but by the look on his face, I doubt anything I'd say would even affect him. Instead, we all turned to look at the monitor that lit up, revealing a very familiar face...

(Y/N)'s POV

I knew that it wasn't the fire making my blood boil. That voice... that face... the bastard that tormented me at every waking moment from the start of my life to the years I could walk on my own.  Despite only escaping from death by an inch, he still sounds as condescendingly arrogant as ever.

(Y/N) "Kidnapped a new wife yet? Or have you finally gotten tired of people vomiting at the sight of you."

(???) "Finally grew a pair have you? I remember when all you did was cry and beg for mercy, bleeding on the ground. Your little limbs were so easy to crack..."

(Y/N) "Hide now. I'm coming for you!"

I launched a magic projectile at the monitor, shattering it into bits. I turned around and faced the others.

(Y/N) "He's around here somewhere. We can't let him escape! Killua, go to the eastern side of the building. Ryuu, cover the west, Gon and I will head for the largest section - the northern wing. Find him but do not engage! Alert the others and-"

I turned around and moved my head just in time to barely miss a crossbow bolt. Looking at where it landed, I saw that it was wrapped in paper and covered in holy runes. Thinking back, I seem to remember a very familiar scenario to this, and if memory serves...

Gon "Pina?! What are you doing here?!"

Pina "G-gon? W-wait..."

Killua "You again... Tsk. I guess you didn't learn your lesson. You remember what I said, right? If you hurt (Y/N) again, I'll kill you."

Gon "K-killua, wait! I don't think he knew it was (Y/N)! Pina, what are you doing here, I thought you said you were heading back to the Holy Knights' headquarters."

Pina "I did. And then after a few days of rest, I was told to come here and assist the scientist known as 'Gold' with his experiments on angelic weapons..."

'Gold'... that was his name...

A strange noise came blasting from the left side of the room. We all turned in unison only to see a beam of white fired from some strange looking gun. I jumped out of it's way and saw the beam hit my wall of flame. I felt my magic being disrupted and before long, the tendrils of conflagration sunk into the floor. Not wanting to let my prey escape, I reattuned my magic and the wall regenerated.

Gold "Hm.. you've unlocked Magic, but you're not nearly as good as you're supposed to be. Has she not told you of your capabilities?"

(Y/N) "I'm well aware of my capabilities. One of which is killing you!"

Turning back, I launched an orb of darkness him. Gold aimed his gun and fired. One light, one dark, the two projectiles met in the middle and caused a shockwave of energy that blew ash into the air. Past the ashes, I saw the visage of a man aiming his gun at me once more. Using the black puddle, I sunk into the ground and reappeared from above him, my dagger firmly in hand. As expected, he aimed up and shot again. I turned myself into a plume of smoke and flew past the initial blast, and the barrage of it that soon followed.

Killua and Ryuu took this change to charge at Gold with the intent of attacking, but he soon turned to them and fired. The two split up trying to get him from different angles, Killua eventually got close enough to attack, but was caught by surprise when Gold pulled a hidden blade out from under his lab coat. Seeing his opportunity vanish, Killua jumped back and assumed defensive position.

With his attention drawn, I decided that this was my chance. Still in my smoke form, I flew towards him at breakneck speed, materializing just in front of him with my dagger aimed at his throat. At the same time, Killua came from the other side, nails sharp as razors. Gold realized his mistake and looked towards me. I saw the black of his eyes shake right as his life would've been ended. Until...

They intervened...

Pina's sword clashed against my dagger and Gon stood in front of Killua, his arms extended. We were left at a stand-still. The room fell silent as the tension grew ever more by each passing moment. Alliances and intentions all became unreadable.

(Y/N) "What... the hell... do you think you're doing...?"

Pina's eyebrows furrowed and his lips quivered in fear.

Pina "I-I can't let you kill him... not yet! Gon and I... w-we need him."

(Y/N) "..."

Gon "(Y-Y/N) please... he..."

My eyes fell coldly upon Gon. Just like during the Hunter's Exam, I could see the hesitancy within him. The fear that this act might turn our friendship on its head. Regardless, I listened to what he had to say.

"He knows my dad..."

Oooh boy. Sorry for the long hiatus guys! I lost the spark for writing for a bit, but now I'm finally getting back into it. Now, I want to ask you guys something: There's gonna be a major time skip coming up soon, and I want your opinions on if I should:

A. Put it on a new book


B. Keep it in this book

Please comment on the one you think I should do. This is a really tough choice and I would very much appreciate some feedback. With all that said, I'll see you in the next chaper! Bye!

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