Bonding Time

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(Y/N)'s POV

I snapped back into consciousness and rubbed my eyes to brush off the drowsiness. I looked at my surroundundings. Ryuu was sleeping behind me and i seem to be at that tree from yesterday. Noticing that i was leaning on something, i looked around only to find Killua sitting cross-armed with his head aimed down.

D-did i sleep on him? Wait no, that can't be right. I was leaning on the tree when i felt sleepy...

M-must just be my imagination... i hope.

I got up and walked over to the stream ahead of us. I kneeled and splashed my face with the water. Before i left though, i looked back at my reflection.

I began to ponder things... im no longer human... i don't feel pity, or remorse, my heart only pumps black blood throughout my body. My eyes glow with pupils sharp and i hunger for human flesh...

It's been almost two years since i became what i am. Ryuu has explained everything on being a demon and mom's been teaching me the more advanced things. I... guess i never really thought about what i have become... i wonder if my killer instincts were formed after i awakened,... or was it there since the begining... when i had the desire to kill mom and dad...

Ryuu "what'cha doin?"

(Y/N) "Ah!"

I stumbled over and looked behind me. Ryuu was coiled on the ground looking at me cluelessly.

(Y/N) "jeez don't scare me like that!... i was just thinking- well, podnering more like. About turning into a demon."

I know it's hard to tell since he looks exactly like a snake but i can tell he had a sympathetic smile on him.

Ryuu got closer and alithered his way up my arm and around my torso as if giving me a hug.

Ryuu "do you regret it?"

I thought for a bit... do i regret it? I used to live in constant pain, never feeling loved by those who lived with me and treated like a slave. Then came Malphas who gave me a family, cared for me, loved me, and gave me the power to crush others insted of being stepped on. Do i regret it?

(Y/N) "No. I don't." A confident smile appeared on my face as i say those words and Ryuu seemed to have caught on to it.

Ryuu "atta boy!"

Killua "what are you two talking about?"

Ryuu and I looked back to see Killua walking over to us.

(Y/N) "oh nothing. Just demon stuff."

Killua offered me his hand and pulled me up. I brushed myself off a bit and then get back to him.

Killua "so where to next?"

(Y/N) "it's getting dark so we should probably find a cave or something. We have two days until we finish this phase. Oh! That reminds me! Gimme your badges."

Killua looked at me sceptically but then handed them to me.

I hung both above Ryuu's head and then dropped them. He struck up and swallowed both of them before they hit the ground.

Killua "what the- why did you do that?!"

(Y/N) "to protect our badges! I let him ate mine too. He can regurgitate them out later. We did it a lot to hide games from out brothers"

Killua "that sounds gross but... awesome..."

(Y/N) "i know!"


It's been two days and we've been spending  quite a lot of time together. At dawn, we'd go out hunting for food, an hour later we go back to the cave and i do the cooking. The rest of the day we just do whatever we want. At noon, i just heat up whatever i made in the morning and use whatever we have left for dinner.

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