Undersea Findings

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(Y/N)'s POV

After breakfast, and an attempt at explaining to Ryuu what he saw this morning (an attempt spent in vain, mind you) we moved on to our next adventure. After the whole fiasco at the sewers, we decided that our next trip should be somewhere more picturesque, so we chose to go to the waterfall on the east side of the island.

From what I was able to gather through old maps and books in the castle library, the waterfall is mask to a hidden alcove. Some books even suggest it holds a temple of sorts inside it. Admittedly, my interests in this particular site leans more on an academic nature rather than adventure, but I suspect the others will still be able to find some exciting stuff to do while we're in there. Old ruins often hold traps or creatures, especially in an island like this one that has a large amount of dark presence on account of the castle.

Oh! I should explain! My mother's castle is located in a relatively small-ish island about 5 hours away from the mainland if traveled by boat. Aside from the abandoned Pelican Town, and the new town they moved to, there are a couple of other small fishing villages of small settlements. Along with some ruins, forts, and other structures now inhabited by nature, beasts, or vagabonds.

Most of the settlements are independent and the true ruler of the island is questionable. Whilst my mother is the most powerful being here, she doesn't really have any interest in ruling or governing so the true ruling power of the island is called into question. Regardless, most of the settlements are independent, control their own geographic areas, and thrive at their own pace.

Anyway, back to the here and now. The walk was mostly uneventful. Killua and I walked side-by-side at the back, as Ryuu wanted to take the lead. Even though there wasn't much going on other than the occasional casual chats, it was an enjoyable trip. The weather was fair and the cold, gentle breeze was welcomed warmly.

As we make it half-way, I felt a fleeting tickle on my right hand - the place where Killua would be. Looking at its direction, I saw Killua's hand occasionally brushing gently on mine. Killua himself seems to be looking away. Getting the hint at what he may want, I took the initiative and lock his hand into mine slowly. Killua's face turned to me in what seemed to be shock, but what I now understand is disbelief. I gave him an accepting smile to show him that I don't mind and he eased up, if still somewhat embarrassed.

Regardless, hand-in-hand, we pushed on to our destination...


Killua "Whoa..."

About an hour-and-a-half of walk later, we made it to a hill that oversees the site of the waterfall. The view really was something beautiful. The waterfall rests at the side of the cliff and facing the ocean as sandy shores stretch for as far as the eye can see. The water of the fall dropping directly into the ocean. Surrounding the site are forests, pine trees that reach into the island, and mangrove that reach out to the coastline. Dotting the site are moss-covered stone structures. Mainly rubble but it's clear that a temple of sorts was once built here. 

For a moment, we stood and took in the view. Certainly a welcomed change after the sewers. That is until the ever-impetuous Gon proclaims:



Before we even processed what was going on, The spot where Gon once stood is now nothing but a pile of his clothes.

With a wide grin plastered on his face, Ryuu gave me a knowing look and soon, he too felt the impulsion to prove Archimedes' principle.



That leaves Killua and myself.

Killua "Well if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

I spoke too soon.

Killua took off his clothes before leaving it on the pile, and turned to me one last time before dropping down backwards.

Killua "See you down there! WHOOO!!"


Well... I was hoping to study the ruins but you know what? Screw it! Reviving old civilizations can wait!

I took off my clothes, leaving only my shorts on and not long after:



My dramatic arrival was greeted with laughs and it wasn't long before I was splashed with water by Gon. I splashed back at him, but he dodged. As expected, Killua and Ryuu were quick to join the battle that soon broke out into water wars.

A few minutes pass and we've moved on from the battle, declaring a temporary cease fire in order to explore the waters. Taking a deep breath, I submerged myself. Opening my eyes, I saw an oddity among the coral mounds. A sunken ship.

I pointed at the others on what took my attention and we began our descent to it. A sunken ship isn't too strange a sight, but the positioning is what strikes me as odd. The fishing village is still half-an-hour away from this place. Why on earth would the ship be here and how did it sink? The corals aren't exactly large and the ship is nowhere near the shores.

Getting a closer inspection, I can see that the ship was some sort of cargo ship. Not particularly large, but big enough to fit a car or two and some smaller containers. the metal have been overtaken with rust and aquatic life.

Killua poked his head out of one of the windows of the boat and gestured for us to come in. I did so and it would seem he found the berthing barge (Basically a ship's sleeping quarters) and with it, an array of human remains. Skeletons lie in various positions all around the room. Some still in their beds, others out and seemingly grasping for their possessions. Considering the signs, it's fair to assume this ship went down in moments and without alert.

Continuing our dive through the interior, we eventually made it to the captain's cabin. There wasn't much in it. A bed, a desk, quite a few lockers, a wardrobe of sorts, and a chair. We kept looking around, without finding much item of interest, that is until Ryuu turned to us with something in his hands. It looked to be a small container of sorts long and block-like in shape. He was about to open it before I took it out of his hands and suggested we surface first. Seeing as there is nothing left for us here, we got out the boat and swam upwards.

Making it out of the water and onto the shores, we took a moment to rest. I sat on a nearby rock with Ryuu and joined by Killua and Gon soon enough.

Killua "So what's in the box?"

Ryuu "Yeah, I've been wondering too. Give it here, I'll open it!"

I gave the item to Ryuu and we waited as he tries to open it.

Ryuu "Alright, let's see... ah! There we go! It's a... scroll? I have no idea what this means. (Y/N), you're pretty handy with languages, maybe you know."

He gave the scroll to me and I looked it over.

Killua "So? Can you translate it?"

(Y/N) "Hmm... no, but I have seen these runes before."

Ryuu "Where?"

Gon "On the ruins all around us."

They turned their attention to Gon and then to the fact that he pointed out. This must be the language of whatever civilization was here before us.

As the sun begins to set, we decided to call it a day and retreat back to the inn for food and rest. Planning to come back once I've been able to decipher the odd language in the scroll. Gon and Ryuu went to their rooms, and Killua stayed with me. Curiosity taking over sleepiness, I decided that sleep can wait and prioritize on learning what I can about our findings...

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