Why For Him?

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Killua's POV

The blade rattled as my whole body shook at the thought of the impossible task I'm told to do. In front of me, he still bowed his head giving me a clean view of his neck.

(Y/N) "please..."

I felt my heart stopped and his words only further contorted the horrified look that had already settled itself on my face for what feels like hours. he sounded so miserable... as if he's completely given up... as if what he expects me to do is a mercy, something that would free him from the loss.

I held my chest and scrunched up the layers of shirt on it. My heart hurts... Being torn open and ripped apart by the claws of guilt. To think that it was I who put him in this state... That it was because of my weakness that he would beg me to put an end to him... The weight of the thought felt like it was enough to bring me to my knees.

But... would it be the right thing to do if it was what he really wanted...?

Unlike any other kill that I have done, I don't feel the bloodlust... the pulse of the blade that would bring me to strike... Nor do I feel who the true target of the strike is; him... or me...?

Uncertain, I brought my arm high above my head, hoping that doing his request will make the guilt go away but despite all that I have been taught...

I couldn't do it.

I threw the damned blade into the fireplace and hugged (Y/N) as tightly as i could. I don't care if I'm crying in front of him! I'll make up for the loss in any way I can, I just can't see him in this state anymore.

Killua "(Y/N) please... don't... i can't see you go like this..."

I clung to him and sobbed out my frustrations, not knowing what he might do in retaliation. I was expecting him to push me away or maybe plunge the blade into my back instead as revenge. I was ready but to my surprise, I felt a hand on my head and gently rubbing my hair.

The atmosphere changed completely. Lighter, less bleak, bearable, and the air became breathable.

I opened my eyes and (Y/N) was no longer there, instead I was hugging what looks to be someone's waist. My eyes dotted upwards until it met with the sympathetic gaze of a smiling woman. She wiped away the tears still rolling down my cheek. oddly, despite all that happened, for whatever reason, I feel... warm...

(???) "What a curious case you are..."

The lady let go of my cheek and lead me back towards the couch which overlooked the roaring fireplace. She set me down first before sitting herself next to me.

Malphas "Killua Zoldyck... child of Darkness born into a family of killers. A boy seeking purpose, wanting to break free from the chains your family use to bind you to their will."

I looked at the woman dumbfounded meanwhile she still kept her composure as if revealing people's inner motives was something she does on a daily basis.

Malphas "You wonder how I know?"

She turned to me still with a soft smile. I replied only with a slow nod.

Malphas "Well in truth, I've been observing the Zoldyck family for a long time- almost three hundred and seventy three human years, and for every generation, there's always an interesting pattern; One Zoldyck family member becomes a prodigy, an assassin among assassins. Your father Silva, your grandfather Zeno, and so on up the line. And for every prodigy, I like to test them to see what they are like. Always the same test and always the same results... until now."

Her smile seemingly became warmer as she glanced at me.

Malphas "Tell me, Killua. Why didn't you kill (Y/N). Despite all your instincts being honed to take a life, why didn't your hand play it's part? (Y/N) was defenseless, in fact he begged you for it. Not only that, but the thoughts of doing it in the hope of ending the guilt already lingered in your mind... so why didn't you?"

I looked down towards my hands which rested weakly on the couch thinking of the question she asked me. Why didn't I kill him? I'm... not sure...

Killua "I... I don't know."

A few seconds passed with none of us talking though i still felt her gaze upon me for a while.

Eventually, she looked back forward into the fireplace with a small chuckle.

Malphas "Well... I'm sure you'll find out in time... speaking of, it's about time you reunite with your friends. I already have the result I need so I'll wake you up now."

Killua "wha- what do you mean 'wake me up?'"

Malphas "oh you haven't figured it out? You're in a paralel world of my design. Same with (Y/N), Gon, Ryuu, and Pina. I needed some way of keeping you all in place."

Killua "wait... what?"

Malphas "no need to worry. You'll forget all this ever happened once you wake up. Oh and one more thing!"

With her warm smile still present, she walked forward and held onto my shoulder.

Malphas "Take good care of your friends. They'll do the same to you."

Killua "w... wha? What do you mean? And how am I supposed to remember that if you said I'm gonna forge-"

Before i could finish my sentence, she snapped her fingers and my vision fades to darkness.

*In the Real World*

My consciousness ticked back on and I slowly opened my eyes to see that I'm in... a large, lavishly decorated living room with a window that's been crashed through and a gargoyle knocked out next to me.

Did I pass out from the crash? Weird. My training made me pretty resistant to impact so I'm not really sure how a crash-landing through a window was enough to knock me unconscious.

Gon "uuugghhh my head..."

I heard a noise from behind me and turned around to see Gon and Pina laying on the ground, seemingly just waking up.

Gon "huh...? Killua! You made it into the castle!"

Killua "yeah but... what are you two doing?"

Gon looked at Pina and then to himself, seeing the very clear scenario that he was unconscious on the floor before facing back to me and shrugging. Typical.


With a sudden twist, the door behind Gon and Pina opened to reveal a dark-gray-ish boy slightly taller than us who looked at us in worry. I don't think I ever saw him before but the colour of his eyes remind me of (Y/N)... wait... (Y/N)! We still need to find him!

??? "Are you guys okay? What happened?"

He walked past Pjna and kneeled next to Gon whilst holding his shoulder and looking at the guy with clear concern.

By this point, i think I already know who this person is. It's Ryuu. (Y/N) mentioned that Ryuu isn't a normal snake and who else would have the exact same eyes as his?

Gon- oblivious as ever, tilted his head in confusion.

Gon "im fine thanks but uhh... who are you?"

Killua "tsk. Idiot, that's Ryuu!"

He turned to me and moved onto me next, offering me a hand and pulled me up.

Ryuu "you alright, Kil?"

Killua "yeah, I'm fine. But we still need to find (Y/N)."

Ryuu "come on. I can sense him now, he's not far. Follow me!"

Ryuu ran past me and I followed him with Gon and Pina close behind us.

I'm almost there (Y/N)...!

Hold on just a little longer...!

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