You're... Immortal...?

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(Y/N)'s POV

I stood next to Killua in a line as we watched one applicant face off against another. The rules of the final phase is simple; get the other person to surrender without killing them. In the end, there will only be one person who gets disqualified and the rest will become hunters. It's been a few matches and now it's my turn and it looks like im lucky! My opponent is Pina himself.

Killua "good luck." I looked at Killua and gave him a big smile.

(Y/N) "thanks!"

With that said, i walked to the middle of the room with Ryuu following closely.

Referee "ready... begin!"

Let's strike first for once. I ran left and Ryuu ran towards the right, we charged towards Pina at the exact same moment and attacked. He blocked Ryuu's fangs with his sword but got a kick in the face from me. How does that shoe taste huh?!

We attacked again. This time, he blocked my kick but got hit in the stomach by Ryuu's swinging tail.

We continued this cycle over and over until Pina kneeled on the ground and spat out blood. By that point, i gave Ryuu the command to stop.

(Y/N) "Ready to give up? You're never gonna beat us."

Pina "ptoey! Yeah? We'll see about that..."

He slowly got back up and readied his sword once more.

Ryuu "hah! Like hitting a punching bag. Let's keep the train rolling!"

We readied our attack once more and charged. Again wit the previous cycle, Pina can only block one of us since we attack from two different angles at the exact same time.

Ryuu spun and the middle section of his body hit Pina's back, making a very audible crack and sending the boy tumbling to the other side of the arena.

I walked in front of his face and crouched while Ryuu got on top of him, laying his full weight on Pina. Wanting to taunt him, i got closer and whispered;

(Y/N) "For someone who claims they will kill every demon in the world, you're pretty pathetic aren't you?"

Pina "grh... it's still... better than you... filthy creature...! All you demons... are the same...! Heartless monsters who only want-... to kill...!"

(Y/N) "hm... typical. Well then let's continue playing shall we? Get up."

Pina "rrrgghh!... i can't... your pet is too... heavy...!"

(Y/N) "well then i'll just be sitting over there for when you're ready to start."

I turned my back and walked away, turning to face him once more before sitting on the floor and grinning at the sight before me.

(Y/N) "is this really all a 'holy knight' can do? Bested by an 11 year old and a snake!" I said out loud.

I heard Ryuu laughing while still sat atop Pina. In truth, i wasn't worried at all. Ryuu can adjust how heavy he wants to be. An extension of his mastery in shape-shifting. He could very well be more than 4 tons despite looking like an average large snake.

A few minutes past and Pina has stopped moving and with his face firmly in the ground.

Did he suffocate?

I stood up and walked over to him while ordering Ryuu to get off. He did and i got closer to inspect, that is until...


Pina impaled my chest with his sword. Ryuu immediately swiped his tail and knocked him away but i still stood there with the sword pierced through my heart.

Killua "What the hell?! You aren't allowed to kill! You're disqualified!"

Pina "The only way to kill a demon... is to strike at it's heart... all i want now is for that demon to die... i can take the exam again next year, but if he dies now, then i would have completed my mission regardless!"

Gon "demon...?"

I was shocked for a bit but returned to standing up straight.

Pina "wh... what...? How are you...?"

(Y/N) "it always amaze me how stupid you can be..."

Ryuu and I looked at Pina menacingly

(Y/N) "im sure you've noticed by now that im not any average run-of-the-mill demon... and Ryuu is not just a snake."

Ryuu coiled around me until his head was right next to mine. Pina looked horrified as i grabbed his sword and slowly start to pull it out my chest.

(Y/N) "we are bound by unlife. For as long as one of us lives, the other cannot die, and since it's almost impossible to kill both of us at the exact same time..."

The sword was now fully out and with my hands, i melted it back into liquid metal.

Walking closer to the frightened holy knight, he stumbled backwards and tried to scurry away.

(Y/N) "you will never be able to kill me. Not you or anyone in your order."

"We... are immortal..."

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