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Killua's POV

Ryuu led us through the winding hallways of this enormous castle. Door after door, one room after another, we charged our way through, even going past a few castle servants.

Ryuu "sorry! make way! Coming through!"

He led us to a down another hallway and turned a corner at an open door and disappeared out of sight. Sensing that I may be close to my goal, i sprinted and turned, going intp the room Ryuu went in only to-


Ryuu "oww..."

Killua "erm..."

(???) "Oh dear. Are you two alright? This is why you should not run in a hallway, you never know when someone might come out of a room, or who might be in a room when you enter."

A very familiar female voice spoke. I opened my eyes and looked around. Next to me was Ryuu on the ground rubbing the back of his head, and in front of me was a tall pitch black dress. Looking up at the owner of said dress, I saw a woman looking at me with worry.

I'm not sure why but her face seems... very familiar. As if I've seen her before, talked to her - in a place that looks like this very castle even! But... I don't remember when...

Gon and Pina came rushing into view behind us. They stopped in their tracks and their eyes opened wide.

Gon "You! You're... uhh... who are you again?"

(???) "Hm? Im sorry, have we met before? I don't believe I remember you."

Gon "Wait, we haven't met? I feel like I remember you from somewhere."

(???) "I'm sorry, dear. But I don't think we've met. Maybe you're just confused."

Gon scratched his head while Pina stood guard still at past the door into the hallway. That being said... this strange woman we're talking to... She has the same traits as Ryuu and (Y/N). gray-sih skin, bright (E/C) glowing eyes, (H/C) hair, she even has scales just like them. And her attire... an elegant pitch black gown with a thick fur scarf, pearl necklace, golden rings with expensive gems... Everything shines in luxury!

Remembering what (Y/N) said back at the exam, how his mom always has a constant influx of money but doesn't seem to work, I wonder if this woman is Malphas...

Ryuu "Killua, come on! (Y/N) is just past that door!"

Ryuu stood above me and offered me a hand. Finally realizing why I was running down a hallway in the first place, I grabbed his hand and followed him once more. Ryuu walked past the woman whom I assume to be Malphas and opened the door at the end of the lounge room to reveal...


(Y/N)'s POV

I jumped after hearing the door burst open only moments after mom left. To my surprise, at the doorway stood Ryuu and Killua both with their eyes opened wide at me. Killua's lips seemingly quivered a bit before forming into a relieved smile. He walked forward, slowly making his way to me. Once only an arm's length way, he stopped and looked at me fondly.

The stark contrast between the last time I saw him at the end of the Hunter's Exam and now puts a lot of things in my mind at rest.

(Y/N) "Hey Killua. Enjoyed the wild goose chase?"

I didn't know what I was expecting to be honest, maybe a pat on the head or a fist square on my face. Knowing Killua, it may not even be too far out to expect my head removed from my shoulders. The possibilities are endless, but what happened next seems to put an end to my speculating. Unfortunately, it also killed the mood.

Gon "(YYY/NNN)!!"

Out of nowhere, Gon ran into me and pulled me into an airtight hug, pushing Killua out of the way as well - much to his irritation. All I could do was awkwardly giggle at Gon who undenounced to him, probably just put himself on Killua's kill list.

Ryuu walked closer to us as well and pulled Killua over for a group hug with me at the center. I could tell that Killua wanted our reunion to turn out differently but hey, it's Gon. What can you do?

After a minute, everyone let go and regained composure.

Gon "I'm so glad we found you, (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) "Yeah. To be honest, I was kind of worried about my plan not working out. There were a lot of holes in it, but I'm glad it did."

Gon "Soo this is where you live?"

(Y/N) "Not originally, but yes."

Gon "Cool! I've never been in a fancy castle before!"

(Y/N) "Eheheh... neither have I to be honest." 

I glanced over at Killua who stood beside me. He was looking away, seemingly deep in thought. The smile on his face previously seems to have disappeared. Worried that something might have gone wrong that I don't know of, I decided to ask.

(Y/N) "Killua, are you okay?"

The mention of his name brought his attention back to me. At first only his eyes moved but he then faced me and put his previous smile back on.

Killua "Yeah. I'm good."

For whatever reason, I sensed that the 'I'm good' may not be 100% accurate.

Just then, Ryuu perked up. As if he either just realized something, or received a message from Lord Lucifer. 

A suspicious smile was plastered on his face as he suggested for Gon, the watcher, and Pina (Whom I now just noticed was standing at the other room) to vacate the premises and check out the rest of the castle.

Gon questioned him but Ryuu practically shoved all three of them out leaving the room empty with only Killua, myself. With them gone, I faced myself toward Killua once more. His expression was difficult to read. It wasn't his bored nor fun self that I've come to know during the Hunter's Exam. Killua's smile balanced around relief and melancholy, but the reason for either one - I am unsure.

Without another word, Killua pulled me into another hug, but unlike Gon's whose hug was full of energy, this is more... sentimental. A yearning embrace. I didn't have time to react, and even if I did, I'm not sure how I would.

After he let go, I looked at him with my eyes wide open. A hint of worry was present within me. I figured him to be protective of his friends but I can't think of what had transpired to make Killua so willing to drop his cool persona. Still not convinced that everything is alright, I decided to ask again.

(Y/N) "Killua? Are you sure you're okay? Did something happen during your way here?"

Finally, now I see the melancholy vanish, leaving only a genuine smile of relief.

Killua "No, (Y/N). I'm just..."

"I'm glad to see you smiling again."

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