Movies With Killua

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(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N) "To whomever just took my spot in first place, get ready!"

Killua "Oh come on! Not again!"

With a devilish grin, I launched two of the three red shells I had in sequence. Killua cursed each time as his cart was struck and stunned upon the impact of one shell to the other. I hit the gas and passed him, launching the last shell backwards just in time for him to get stunned one last time as I took to the finish line.

Once his stun was over, Killua - demotivated as he was, made his way to the finish line. The twins finishing shortly after and Ryuu coming shortly before the results were shown. Gon for the however many-th time didn't finish the race and considering his position on the map, I don't think he even finished a lap...

Killua "UUGH! This is so unfair! He already won like 13 times!!"

(Y/N) "14, actually."

Killua "OH SHUT UP!!"

Ryuu "I think my controller may be busted, I swear half my moves didn't register."

Kami "I got to the finish line first, but why did it say Tani got there before I did?!"

Tani "No way! I got to the finish line first!"

Gon "How do you move left again?"

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the chaos. ahh... buying those game consoles was a good idea.

As we continued to debate on the fairness of the game (And Gon still trying to figure out how the controls worked), mom opened the door and called us all for dinner. Seeing as most of them have already had their morale crushed by my string of victory, we agreed that enough curse words were said for the day, and made our way into the dining room.

As usual, a decent-sized feast was laid out on a long cloth-covered table. A lot of food was set for us to choose from ranging from the more mainstream roasted chicken, salads, a platter of cheese, to the more 'specialized' foods such as human flesh, hearts, brains- y-you get the point. Demons are still capable of eating normal food, but human flesh is one of the things that is a must.

With my plate already in front of me, I grabbed my food and sat back down. I'm not a picky eater but I tend to avoid spicy foods. I don't like the feeling of my mouth burning, It makes me cough, and the... 'aftermath' that comes out in the bathroom is... never pretty.

Anyway, aside from thinking about bathroom affairs during dinner, my mind wandered around until eventually my attention was taken by Killua who tapped my shoulder.

I turned to look beside me to see the inviting smile Killua had on his face.

Killua "Hey! Wanna watch a movie in my room tonight?"

(Y/N) "What kind?"

Killua "Horror!"

(Y/N) "S-scary movies? I-I don't know..."

Killua "Oh come oon! Don't tell me the demon is scared of seeing ghosts?"

(Y/N) "I-I am not scared!"

Killua "Then you'll have no problems with watching it, right?"

(Y/N) "Hrnn... fine!"

I went back to eating for a few seconds before turning back to him.

(Y/N) "A-are the others gonna be there too?"

Killua "Nope! Just you and me."

(Y/N) "What?!"

Killua "Well we can't test your bravery if you're watching it with a lot of people now can we?"

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