Snake in a Swamp

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ah! I can see the light! Killua and Gon noticed that the exit is close so they started getting faster. Welp, no way im getting left behind!

(Y/N) "come on Ryuu! We're almost there!"

Ryuu "right behind you!"

I started running alongside them giving a competitive glare to Killua as he gave me a playful smirk.

Killua "you're gonna buy me dinner (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) "the only thing you'll be eating is my dust!"

Almost there!

Aaand JUMP!

All four of us jumped past Mr. Satotsz and out to the open. The drastic change of brightness made me stop for a few seconds. By the time i opened my ees again, Gon and Killua were already arguing on who the winner is.

Gon "i won!"

Killua "no, i won!"

Gon "i was faster than you so that means i won!"

Killua "no you were not!"

(Y/N) "i was definitely out first!"

Ryuu "SsSSSsssSss. (Keep talking. I was ahead of all of you)"

(Y/N) "were not!"

Gon "hey Mr. Satotz, which one of us passed the finish line first?"

Satotz "all four of you crossed simultaneously."

Gon "okay... hmm... i got it! So Killua, you have to pay for my dinner."

Killua "huh?"

Gon "but (Y/N) has to pay for your dinner, and i have to pay for his!"

Killua "i don't get it, wont that make it unfair...?"

(Y/N) "how about we see the total price of our dinner and devide it by three, and we all pay our share?"

Killua "ah! There's using your brain!"

Gon "but what if it's a number that can't be devided by 3 like... 14?"

(Y/N) "14 can still be devided by three. It'll be 4.7 or something like that. Decimals."

Gon then began to squint his eyes and curl up his face as if thinking really really hard. I began hearing the sound of a kettle which i assume is coming from Gon and- wait. Steam is coming through his ears. The sound of the kettle whitling became louder and louder and eventually...


Lots of smoke poured out of Gon's ears as he began to deflate. Ah. So that kettle was his brain heating up.

Killua "oy! Get up! Don't overheat just from simple math!"

Gon "how is that simple?!"

Killua "IT IS SIMPLE!!"

i laughed at both of them bickering. After a few seconds, Killua began to go back to his usual bored self and Gon's brain probably rebooted.

By this point, many of the applicants had already surfaced. One who caught my eye was a certain clown-looking fellow with pink hair and a really REALLY creepy smile. Our eyes met for a split second and i immediately felt unnerved. Im not scared of being killed by him as i can't be killed by mortal weapns but there are many many many many many many reasons other than death to be scared of a creepy clown who smiles weirdly at children. Yikes.

Thankfully, before anything happens, Killua called me over to the back near the tunnel that we just got out of.

Gon "hi Kurapika!"

Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now