Chapter Thirteen: Under the Mistletoe(Part One)

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Chapter Thirteen: Under the Mistletoe(Part One)


December 25

I ran my fingers through my hair, pacing the floor of my bedroom. We had to get going to Hazel and Frank's apartment in about an hour. Annie was still asleep, but I didn't want to wake her. She'd been so stressed lately. I couldn't bear to take away her much-needed sleep.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when a loud crash echoed throughout the house. I dashed down the stairs to see what was going on and found a squirrel running around bumping into things and knocking them over.

"Shit," I muttered. I slowly moved to the closet to find a coat. I grabbed a raincoat and searched the room for the damn thing. A flash of rusty brown flew across the floor, and I dove for it. I landed on the floor where the squirrel had been. It was now perched on the arm of the recliner.

"Come on you little bastard...just stay still..." I whispered. I snuck up behind it and covered it with my coat. "Gotcha!" I exclaimed, scrunching the ends of the coat so that the squirrel wouldn't escape.

I let the squirrel go outside and dashed into the house so it wouldn't come back in.

"Dad? Why are there pictures on the floor?" asked a sleepy voice from the staircase.

"Squirrel," I answered. I went over to Annie and picked her up in a hug. "Merry Christmas, Annie-Bear. Did you sleep well?"

She nodded, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "I guess so. I had a dream that we were playing Mario Kart all day, and then the world started floating, and then this big pink thing ate us whole." I chuckled and set her down.

"You have the weirdest dreams."

"I know, right? Are we eating breakfast at Aunt Hazel and Uncle Frank's?"


Nothing was better than spending the holidays with family and friends. This being said, there were always a ton of people at holiday get-togethers. Most of us were related on our dad's side, like Hazel, Nico, Jason, Thalia, and I. Leo and Calypso weren't related to us, but they always came unless they went to an event with Calypso's family. As well as those of us who are related by blood, there are everyone's spouses and parents(usually only Mom and Paul showed up, though), siblings, and kids. The point being, there are always a lot of people at holiday gatherings.

"Percy? Earth to Percy! Hello?" Piper knocked on my head. I winced.

"Yup. Sorry. Spaced out for a second."

"Okay..." she walked away, talking to Hazel, who was currently six months pregnant with twins.

"Dad? When are we opening presents?" Annie ran up to me as I took a sip of my water.

"After dinner."

"Yes!" She ran off to play with Naomi. I walked up behind Frank, scaring him.

"Perce! Don't scare me like that!" I laughed.

"Get used to it. Pretty soon you are going to have two kids running up behind you all the time."

He groaned. "Don't remind me. Between you and me, Hazel is getting to be hard to live with. She's always complaining."

"Tip for the future–she's carrying your children. Don't make her mad."

"Note taken." he grinned. "Speaking of women, how are things with Annabeth?"

"Good, I think. We talked a few days ago. She said that her refrigerator broke and she had to get a new one. She was really angry."

"Probably mad that she had to get a new fridge. Is she coming home anytime soon?"

I shook my head, a bit frustrated. "I have no idea. She said she had no idea what she was doing for Christmas, so we'll see."

"Women are so unpredictable." Jason walked up to us.

"Tell me about it," said Frank.

"Jason Grace, I am the mother of your child do not talk about us that way!" Piper snapped from the kitchen.

"Sorry Pipes!" he said, laughing.

"Asshole" she muttered.


"Annie, here is your gift from Uncle Jase and me." Piper handed Annie a big box wrapped in snowman wrapping paper.

"Thank you!" She took it and ripped off the paper and opened the box. Her eyes widened as she saw what was inside. "Holy shit it's roller skates."

"Don't say shit." everyone said.

"Dad says it."

"Don't repeat what I say," I said.

"Okay. Thank you, Aunt Piper and Uncle Jason!" Annie was grinning from ear to ear. She'd been asking for roller skates all year.

The door buzzer buzzed and Estelle jumped up. "I've got it!" she ran off and let whoever was coming up.

When she opened the door, she screamed.


To be clear, I meant to update part one of the Christmas chapter earlier. Then I got sucked into Animal Crossing and Mario Kart and Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity. And eating donuts that my mom made. She makes amazing donuts. My brother ate eight, and the rest of us got two. Aside from my brother stealing the donuts, it was a great day.

Hope y'all had a merry Christmas if you celebrate it!



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