Chapter Eighteen: Always Loved

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Warning: If you feel uncomfortable with mentions of genitalia and birth then you may want to skip this chapter

Chapter Eighteen: Always Loved

One month later


I was almost done packing away my house. There was one room left, the one room I've been dreading to enter for the past year.

I took a deep breath, turned the doorknob, and pushed open the door.

Rosalie's room had stayed untouched for the past year, and nothing had changed. The toys on the floor were a bit dusty, and so was everything else. The walls were still a baby pink color, and all the books were exactly as we'd left them.

I'd expected to be overcome by grief, but that feeling never came. All that I felt was calm. Then it hit me–I'd finally been able to move on.

I started packing everything up and dusting things off. There would always be that sense of grief inside me, but for the most part, I'd moved past it.


Three Weeks Later

"I think that's the last box," Frank said, setting down the last box.

"Great. I'm showing Naomi my room now!" Annie ran off to her new room enthusiastically, Naomi following calmly behind.

"Jonas no!" Piper scooped up Jonas right before he fell down the stairs. He'd started crawling recently, and now you never knew where he'd be.

"Thank you guys so much for coming to help out," I said. "It really meant the world to us."

"We wouldn't have missed it, Owl Head. After years of being star-crossed lovers, having to drive five miles to see each other, you will be living in the same house, sleeping in the same bed! But be quiet, Annie is only a few rooms over." Thalia nudged Percy and winked. I rolled my eyes.

His phone started ringing. He took it out and groaned. "It's Rachel,"

"Then just decline the call," Jason said.

"I can't. She had me sign this legal contract claiming that I have to answer her phone calls just because she is Annie's biological mom."

"Then at least put it on the speaker; I want to hear what the crazy bitch has to say on this lovely day," Leo said.

Percy answered begrudgingly. "What?"

"Hey, ex-hubby," Rachel said. I swallowed the bile rising up my throat. "Can we FaceTime?"

Piper grinned. 'Give me the phone' she mouthed. Percy handed it to her. She pressed FaceTime, grinning. As soon as Rachel picked up, her smile dropped and her face turned tomato-red. Her mouth hung open slightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She hung up and handed the phone back to Percy quickly.

"N-nothing. Jason, we should probably get going. Jonas needs a bath."

"Okay? Bye, guys." They walked out the door. I could see Piper was trying to stay away from Jason. I raised my eyebrow.

"What was that about?" asked Frank.

"Piper was probably just scared at what showed up," Leo smirked. "Rachel is one hell of a scary woman."


Hazel and I were having a girls day a few days later.

"I can't get up off this goddamn couch and my fingers are fat and my feet won't fit in my shoes and I want wine." Hazel complained.

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