Chapter Forty-Three: Proud of Who I Am Today

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Chapter Forty-Three: Proud of Who I Am Today


When we picked the girls up from school, they were ecstatic. They'd been out in the same class as both Hadley and Ben. Rosie explained how they established their playground spot, as well as their library spot. Annie didn't share much, only that she was glad they had friends in their class.

On our way to the dress shop I'd chosen to go to, Blush, Piper told us about how Jonas was talking so much more now, and he was practically running, too. The two-year-old boy was a fast learner, for sure.

When we arrived, I laid out some basic lines for Annie and Rosie not to cross. "Nothing too short or revealing, and it's got to have straps, alright. Colors are blue, grey, or green. You two can decide what you'd rather do, but the dresses have to be the same color."

They nodded along, seeming to understand. "Got it!"

"What if Thalia takes the girls to the juniors section and Hazel and I go with you?"

Piper suggested. I bit my lip, before deciding we would get things done faster that way. "Alright. We'll meet you three back in an hour?"

"Yup!" Annie pulled Thalia and Rosie towards the elevator gleefully.

"So, Annabeth," Hazel wiggled her eyebrows. "What would you like for a dress? Maybe something with a large slit for the garter toss?"

I laughed nervously. "We aren't doing a garter toss."

"What? Why not?" Piper asked.

"Um–it's a child-friendly wedding, thank you very much." I began skimming the dresses in the racks. "What do you think of this one?" I held up a sleek white dress with wide shoulder straps.

"Gorgeous!" Piper squealed. "Is this the style you want?"

I nodded, smiling. Up until now, things hadn't seemed very real. After we decided to get married after all, wedding planning had been going non-stop. During the summer when our schedules were lenient, it was easy. Now, not so much. This wedding was happening. I was ready. Both Percy and I are. We'd waited fourteen years to do this, what's another couple months?

"Do you need help with getting the dress on?" Hazel asked me.

"No, I should be good." I went into the changing room and stripped my clothes off. Immediately I felt insecure. After being pregnant three times, only one of which was successful, I wasn't in the best shape. Scars were scattered across my body. These permanent marks I had to look at every day. These markings reminded me of where I once was.

But then I remember that I'm better now. I have family, friends who love me. No matter what my body looks like. My past is what makes me who I am today. I am proud of that.

When I finally managed to get the dress onto my body so it fit comfortably, and opened the door to the dressing room.

"It's tight." I grumbled.

"It hurts around your skin, or it's just too small?" Hazel raised an eyebrow.

"I mean I need something looser." I sighed. "It's a pretty dress, it just doesn't feel very good."

"Okay. Take it off and we will keep looking." Piper said softly.

We kept looking. For the next hour, I tried on dresses and found something wrong with every last one. On dress number twelve, I'd lost most hope.

"You will feel good in whatever dress you pick, I promise it." Piper swore.

I nodded gratefully. "Thank you guys for helping me."

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