Chapter Four: Coffee

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Chapter Four:


That night, I went up to my attic, hoping to find some solitude. My eyes fell on an open box shoved in a corner. I walked over to it. I wasn't quite sure I wanted to know what was inside. But I looked anyway.
Inside were many things I'd thought about constantly in the past few months.
The ring box on top of Percy's old letterman.

We can still make that happen, Annabeth. Let's get away, three, maybe four weeks? After Christmas, it'll be a fresh year, a fresh start.

A picture of Percy, Annie, Rosie, and I at a beach.

But Annabeth, you have to get in the water when you're at the beach! You can't just go to the beach and not get wet!

And at the bottom of the box, was a small piece of paper with messy writing. Rosalie has written it when she was in first grade. She'd said that she wanted to be prepared for the day she died, so she wrote a will.

Dear Whoever-the-God-of-Dead-People-Is,

When I die, I need you to do a few things for me, because I won't be able to do them myself(I'll be dead, duh). Here is the list:

1. Tell my mommy I love her. If I died, she would probably cry a lot, and I would feel bad about dying because I love her and don't want to make her sad.

2. If my dad is a nice guy, then help him and mommy get back together. If he wasn't, then send a really nice guy to make her happy after I'm gone.

3. Tell Annie Jackson that she is my bestestest friend in the whole world. Also tell her where my candy stash is, so she can have it.

4. And the last think I want is to go to Greece before I die. It's where my grandma was born, and my mommy, too. So if you could just hold off me dying for a little while so I can do that, that would be nice.

Thank you for understanding.

Rosalie Harper Chase

After reading the letter, everything that had happened in the last year hit me like a brick to Jason's head. My father's death, Rosalie's death, how I'd turned into a workaholic, Luke showing up at the meeting, everything. And I broke. The shield I'd been keeping around myself cracked, and the tears came. I sunk to the floor and cried, holding onto the letterman, the letter Rosie had written, and all the memories of it all.
I sat there for at least an hour until I calmed down, and my phone started ringing loudly. Sighing, I looked at the contract name. Seeing Ken's name, and answered and stuck the phone close to my ear.


" sound like you've been crying. Everything alright?"

"Yeah...everything is fine. What's up?" I attempted to sound casual.

"If you say so. I know it's late, but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? If you're free, of course."

"I'm actually going out with a friend since I haven't seen them in so long. Maybe next week?"

"Yeah. 'Course. Call me?"
"Sure. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and decided to go to bed, before I could find anything else.


The next morning I walked into the cafe where Percy had told me to meet him. I spotted him over in the bay window seat. I sat down next to him.

"Any reason why you chose this place?" I asked.

"Other than it's our favorite cafe? Nope." He said, grinning.

"I don't know. Some of the coffee shops i. Greece are pretty good."

"I hear in Sweden they have a designated time for coffee twice a day." Percy countered.

"We are going to Sweden together someday to drink coffee." He chuckled.

"What kind of coffee do you want?"

"Whatever the special is today." I answered.

"You really don't change much, do you?"

"Not much." I shook my head, grinning.
A few minutes later, Percy returned with two Carmel Lattes, with a ton of whipped cream on top.
"Thanks." I took the cup he was holding out to me. "So what did I miss?"

Percy took a sip of his coffee. "Let's's been terribly boring without you. Jonas is hilarious, Leo is annoying, Jason got hit in the head with a brick again, Hazel is pregnant, we are all betting on the sex. They find out in a few weeks. So far I think it will be a girl since Hazel's family has a history of girls, but everyone else thinks it will be a boy. If I'm wrong, then I loose a lot of money." I snorted. "Oh and Rachel came back to the states, bitchy as ever. Thalia is still same old Thalia, Piper wants a cat and Jason wants a dog, so they're fighting over that. Nico and Will officially adopted Naomi. That's about it." Percy concluded. "How about on the other side of the world?"

"You don't really want to hear me talking about architecture, do you?"

"I like listening to your voice. You have a pretty voice." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I told him about business, new projects, and so many other things. We fell into a more relaxed position, him leaning against the wall and me leaning on his chest. He stroked my hair, and for a second, it felt like nothing had ever happened. Like we were back in high school.



"I missed this."

He nodded. "Me too, Wise Girl. Me too."


So I wrote this in about two hours on my phone. For writing on a phone, it's not bad, but I feel like I could have made it longer if I was on my computer.
I know it's a bit short for what I usually write for this book, but I couldn't really come up with anything else.


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