Chapter Twenty-Four: Can I Hug You?

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Can I Hug You?


The next week and a half was havok. Annabeth and I were trying to get Rosie back on public records while going to work and setting up her room. Slowly, she began to recall more of her past memories, which was a relief to us all. Every night, I heard Annabeth get up around midnight and go make sure the girls were still in Annie's room. She couldn't believe that this was real. While I was so glad she finally had her daughter back, I also felt bad, since she now was constantly worried that something would happen to her.

"Percy?" Annabeth called from downstairs. I walked downstairs and peaked over the rail.


"Grab the other end of this mattress and help me get it upstairs!"

I hoisted up the other end and began to carefully go back up the stairs. Once we had gotten it to where it needed to be, I turned to Annabeth.

"You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah..." she smiled. "Of course I know that."

"And you know that we aren't being separated ever again, right? None of us?"

Annabeth took a deep breath, then nodded.

"Good." I pulled her into a tight hug. Sometimes all she needed was a reminder that the people who loved her were still around. Sometimes everyone needs that reminder.

The moment was ruined by the doorbell ringing. That seemed to happen way too often.

Annabeth sighed, "I'll get it,"

She walked out of the room, and I followed, going to sort through my emails.

"Sally!" I stopped, thinking about how bad my mom would freak out once she saw Rosalie.

"GRANDMA!" Annie ran past Annabeth and jumped on my mom with a huge bear hug.

"Hey, kiddo, how are you?"

"Great! We have been really least Dad and Annabeth have. I've been going to school." she wrinkled her nose. "I don't like school. It's really boring. Fourth Grade kinda sucks. But it will get better soon. At least I hope so. It better. Did you bring cookies?"

"No, sorry. I'm really glad I get to hug you this much but...can I come inside?" she chuckled.

"Oh, yeah!"

"Who are you?" Rosie had crept up behind us and seen my mom.

She looked up, shocked. "You-but-" she looked at Annabeth and I, confused.

"A lot has happened." Annabeth said, smiling.

"Yeah...I can see that." she turned her attention back to Rosalie. "Can I give you a hug? I'm Percy's mom."

"Sure..." They awkwardly hugged, then Rosie looked her up and down. "Are you the one who found the markers or was that the other guy?"

Annabeth's cheeks turned pink, "I forgot about that..."

"What mar-oh...OH!" I remembered the 'markers'. Looking back on it, it was really awful.

"No, but I was there for the whole thing. Anyway, I'm so glad that you aren't dead anymore."


"Don't get me wrong, Sanders is okay, but he has been trying for now. How far is he going to go?"Annabeth said, biting into her piece of asparagus. "Stick to the memes."

"The time where he showed up to the inauguration in a winter coat and mittens was pretty funny though." I said.

"He wouldn't make a bad president. Just...I guess people like the other options better." my mom chimed in.

"Who's Sanders?" asked Annie.

"Bernie Sanders is a politician who is great at being made into a meme." Annabeth explained.

"Politics are weird," said Rosie. "It's always on the news and all they do is argue. If one says they like blue, the other will give ten reasons why they shouldn't like blue, but then that politician suddenly loves blue."

"Blue should be a universally loved color." I said.

"Obsessions never end, do they?" Mom teased me.

"It's not an obsession! I just love the color blue and I'm saying that it is a great color."

"Sure..." Annie rolled her eyes.

"Eat your asparagus," I told her.

"But it tastes weird!"

"There are baby carrots in the fridge if you want them. Have you eaten at least one asparagus?" she nodded. "Go get some carrots."

"Thank you,"


Another chapter I guess? I figured I should update since it's been a while. 

I'm slowly digging myself out of my depression hole. It might take all summer, but I'm working on it. By the time school starts(September Seventh), my goal is to be feeling well mentally. Therapy has been helping. 

I hope y'all can understand why it takes me so long to update.

Love y'all!

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