Chapter Eleven: Those Sweet, Loving, Sorrowful Goodbyes

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Chapter Eleven: Those Sweet, Loving, Sorrowful Goodbyes


"Dad." I rolled over, groaning. "Dad!"

"What?" I mumbled through my pillow.

"We need to go. Like now."

"Why?" I asked, still half asleep.

"Annabeth is here and she really needs to talk to you and she looks a little bit sad and a lot angry." that got me up.

"Okay, I'm up. Let me get dressed and I'll be down in a few minutes." Annie left, and I got dressed, throwing on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

I walked downstairs, trying to flatten my wild hair, then giving up and deciding that it was useless. I saw Annabeth standing in the entryway talking to Annie.

"Annabeth...what brings you here at..." I checked my watch. "Eight in the morning?"

"We need to talk." she said, not looking me in the eye.

"Okay...Annie why don't you go get dressed and brush your teeth?" Annie ran upstairs. Annabeth and I sat down in the living room.

"So what's up?" she looked away, sighing.
"I can't believe I did this–I broke up with Ken last night through a note while he was passed out drunk. I feel like a bi–"

"You what? I thought you liked him! And since when does he drink? I thought he needed to keep his reputation good for his TV show or something."

Annabeth laughed bitterly. "He changed. When I went to his house to meet his friends the other day, his friends openly tried to get me in bed right in front of him, and he didn't do anything about it. Then he was flirting with this other woman. He came by yesterday and told me he'd do better–that he loved me, even. He took me to some club, and he got drunk, then started kissing other girls. I used his card to get him a hotel room, then I left him there with a note telling him I broke up with him. Did I do the wrong thing? I should have waited until he was sober–" I cut her off.

"Annabeth, you did the right thing. He sounds like a horrible guy now. If he was treating you like this–then he deserved what he got." She smiled at me.

"Although it feels good to get that off my chest, that's not why I came here. I came to tell you that I'm going back to Greece and that...I love you. And I just want you to know that before I go." I was speechless. Instead of speaking, I pulled her into a kiss.

At the moment, I didn't care about what Rachel'd said the other night. I didn't care about any of it. This was all I cared about.  Annabeth pulled away, smiling sadly.

"In all honesty, I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with you and everyone else but..." she stopped.

"I understand. However long it takes, I'll be here. Take your time."


"I'm getting Deja Vu, Old Annie." Piper said, hugging Annabeth tightly.

"So that's what you're calling me now?" Annabeth laughed.

"Shut up." Piper smiled. Jason walked up to Annabeth, holding Jonas.

"The little guy's gonna miss you, Annie." she took Jonas into her arms, kissing the top of his head.

"I'm going to miss him too." She then proceeded to give everyone hugs.

"Promise me that you'll keep your father in line while I'm gone. If anything happens...give me a call." she said to Annie. To my surprise, Annie burst into tears and started sobbing into Annabeth's shoulder.

"I-I'm going to m-miss you A-Annab-beth!" she wailed.

"Oh...Annie." Annie whispered something into Annabeth's ear, and her cheeks turned bright red, but she smiled.

"Someday, maybe." Annabeth moved to me, sighing.

"This is goodbye, until next time, Seaweed Brain."

"Until next time, Wise Girl." She hugged me, standing on her tiptoes.

"I love you. Remember that." she whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"Okay, enough secret sharing. Annabeth, your flights being called." Leo laughed, resulting in him getting smacked by Calypso.

"I love you guys." Annabeth said before turning around and grabbing her suitcase. She was halfway to the gate before she turned around and ran back to us, holding a pair of keys in her hand.

"Piper, I left food in my fridge and my lights on. You guys feel free to take all the food. Make use out of it. And turn off the water and electricity and heat." she tossed the keys to Piper before waving and running back to the gate to catch her plane.


It's a bit strange how I am Aromantic(AROMANTIC IS A WORD, YOU IDIOT AUTOCORRECTING PHONE), yet I am fine with reading, writing, and watching fictional romance. I just don't like it in real life.

So...I updated! I actually just wrote this chapter in like an hour because I had time to kill and I wasn't in the mood for Animal Crossing or YouTube at the moment, so I wrote.

I just want to let y'all know that I love y'all. I don't care what you look like, how old you are, what your gender is, what your sexuality is, what your IQ is, or how good you are at Among Us, I love you. I feel like there isn't enough love in the world right now, and we need to spread some in our online community especially, with COVID cases getting worse again.

One last thing. To make people laugh, go watch Bob Marley's Thanksgiving video. Honestly that's the hardest I've laughed in days. KFC's new motto: 'Suck it, get a bucket!' And whatever else rhymes with suck it(anything come to mind?

Love y'all!

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