Chapter Thirty-Five: Fifty Years is Enough Time to Rot

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Chapter Thirty-Five: Fifty Years is Enough Time to Rot


I didn't hear from my mother for over two months after our fight. Even though we'd both had time to defuse, I was still angry with her. I'd thought that she would stop in and say hello, re-meet Rosie, then go back to Greece. Instead she barged into my home and insulted my family. I wasn't sure I would be able to forgive her for a while.

During those two months, Luke was sent to jail, without the option to bail after so many days. The trial had gone in our favor, and there were a number of witnesses to back us up. Piper and Jason, numerous people who'd seen the incident in Boston, Magnus, Sally, and even Leo.


"All rise...the trial of Luke Castellan is now in session. Judge Di Marco presiding. Please be seated." we all sat. I kept a strong face, for the sake of my daughter. She was standing next to me, tall enough to see over the booth.

Judge Di Marco cleared his throat. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of Luke Castellan versus Annabeth and Rosalie Chase. Are both sides ready?"

Our Attorney, one from Hades' company of lawyers and defenders, Hecate, stood. "Yes, your honor."

"Yes, your honor," said Luke's public defender.

"Clerck, please swear in the jury," said Di Marco.

Our clerk quickly swore in the jury, who must have just been randomly selected from Hades' company, since I didn't recognise any of them.

After the jury was sworn in, both defenders were given a chance to speak with Judge Di Marco. Hecate spoke, only, I couldn't hear a word she was saying. I had to trust her. Looking down at Rosalie, I saw the fear in her eyes. She was clutching my hand tightly, occasionally casting nervous glances at Luke.

When the attorneys had finished, the witnesses were called, and we were allowed to take a seat.

"The prosecution may call their first witness." Di Marco said.

"Mrs. Sally Jackson-Blofis, please stand." the clerk called. Sally stood at the booth, then she was sworn to be honest and truthful. "Thank you. Please state your first and last name."

"Sally Jackson-Blofis." she said calmly.

"Sally, were you with Miss. Annabeth Chase or Miss. Rosalie Chase on December Twenty-Fifth?"

"I was,"

"Please explain, in detail, where you were, and what happened."

She took a deep breath, then began her explanation. "Your honor, I received a phone call from Annabeth on December Twenty-Fifth, and she asked me to come to Boston so I could help her search for her daughter, Rosalie. When I got there, it was only a short while before she was found by the Boston Police and brought to the Shriners hospital, where Luke allegedly faked her death."

"You didn't witness the kidnapping in itself?"

"No, your honor."

"Did you witness the alleged death of Rosalie Chase?"


"Were you in the hospital at the time?"


"Thank you, Sally. You may be seated."

This went on for a little while, witnesses being called to state their cases, until the public defender was asked to call witnesses to the booth. Luke sat, and Hermes stood.

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