Karma Twisted

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Nia- Fun fact- In my books I like to show the wrong in women just because every time I read a book it's always the male in the wrong and they be my favorites 😭 plus niggas not the only ones who do wrong 🙄 but yeah, that's why a lot of my books have women in the wrong 😉

April 27, 2016
5:35 p.m
Atlanta, Georgia
Continuing from last chapter —
Javen Khari Scott

mAtlanta, Georgia Continuing from last chapter —Javen Khari Scott

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I sat on the hospital with my head down. I was here with Jonnie and Kentrell but they both had to step out. A doctor was asking me questions and I didn't want them in here.

"Ms. Scott." I gave my attention to the doctor.

"I'm going to ask the questions now ok, you have to be honest with me. If you lie I won't be able to help you in the way you need to be helped." She said, I nodded.

"How old are you?"

"16, I just had a birthday a couple months ago." I said.


"February 14," She nodded.

"Ok now, have you been taking place in any forms of sexual activity. I need you to be honest." I nodded.

"Ok, what form? Sex, oral..."

"Both, I do everything." She wrote something down.

"So you are sexually active. When did this start?"

"On my birthday."

"With who? I need to know ok, they need to get checked too."

"The boy that came with me and my sister." She nodded.

"Is he the only one you've been with?" I shook my head.

"He was the only one up until last night."

"So did you start feeling like this last night when you guys got finished?" I nodded and she wrote something else down.

"Alright sweetie, I'll be back. Did you already pee in a cup?" I nodded, that shit was hell. I was burning so bad.

"Ok, would you like for your guest to come back?" I nodded and she left out the room.

A few moments later the door opened and Kentrell and Jonnie came back in. Jonnie came over to me and I looked down.

She slapped me and Kentrell grabbed her arm.

"Move! You so damn stupid! You could've at least used protection Javen!" She yelled hitting me again.

I started to cry moving away from her.

"Jonnie chill, you pregnant. Can't be doing that." Kentrell said and she rolled her eyes taking a seat.

"And stop fucking crying, you did this shit. Dumbass."

"Jonnie it's not her fault Ight. She ain't know he had-"

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