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October 27, 2015
10:03 p.m
Atlanta, Georgia
Continuing from last chapter —
Jonnie Kijah Scott

mAtlanta, Georgia Continuing from last chapter —Jonnie Kijah Scott

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I was out running around because I needed air and to clear my head. I've been so stressed out it doesn't make any sense.

I feel like a mom who's daughter hates her so much because she doesn't understand the life they come from and she wants to protect her from ever get hurt like that again.

But Javen think she know everything and can do what she wants, I think she forgot she's just 15.

She didn't come to school today nor did she bother to come home, text or call me. It was whatever though.

As I was running I felt like I was being watched so I stopped. My chest heaved up and down as I looked around.

I didn't see anything or anybody so I continued to just walk.

"Hey Jonnie!" I screamed when somebody hopped in front of me. I looked and seen it was the boy I seen at Kentrell's house when I went to get Javen.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I asked and he laughed.

"Sorry." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"How do you even know me. I mean yes I seen you a few times but......"

"You don't remember? That party.....back in Chicago." He said.

"Ohhh, Sorry I mean I was drunk so..." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You still on that? You had to had some type of sense Jonnie. You had to have some idea about what you was doing." He said and I shook my head.

"Nope not a clue." I said.

"Whatever, sorry." He said before walking away and I sighed.

"Wait! Ben is it?" I asked and he turned around nodding. I motioned for him to come back and he did.

"I guess I can't be too mad, I did play a part in that. I just wish you wouldn't have made a move knowing I was fucked up like that." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah sorry bout that, I ain't know you would care to much or take it like that. Never did I think I would ever see you again too." He said and I laughed.

"Listen let's just forget about that ok. Start over. Hey I'm Jonnie." I said.

"Ben." He said and I nodded

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