Die Young

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November 20, 2018
12:45 p.m
Los Angeles, California
Javen Khari Scott

"Jay you got them in right?" Jonnie asked as I put the twins in their car seats

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"Jay you got them in right?" Jonnie asked as I put the twins in their car seats.

"I think so, check for me". She nodded, everybody was being a great help. Last night Kentrell never came back, I tried calling him but he never answered so I assumed he just ended up going to sleep.

My stomach had literally downsized over night and I was glad. All though I still had a pudge it wasn't even that bad or noticeable.

"Ight they good, you good?" She asked and I nodded. She shut the door getting in and driving off. I sat in the middle of Javani and Ja'Khari. For the most part they were very quiet but that all could change in a heart beat.

Ja'Khari just stared at me and I smiled.

"Hey papa." I tickled his tummy a bit and he grabbed ahold of my finger. He just held onto it closing his eyes. I looked at Javani and she was knocked out. I truly hated how much she looked like Chris but it was what it was, she was beautiful though.

"Jonnie can you call Kentrell? See if he's up?" I asked and she nodded. The ringing boomed throughout the car. He didn't answer making me smack my lips

"What the fuck is he doing? He better have kicked that hoe out." I said to myself, he better not have did anything sneaky.

When we made it home I seen his car was there.

"See he's here." I mumbled taking my seatbelt off. I climbed through the front seat getting out the car.

"Stay here right quick Jonnie, watch my babies." She nodded and I grabbed my keys going to unlock the door. When I opened it my body just kinda tightened up.

What the hell

My house was a damn mess, shit was broke, messed up and written on the walls. My house was literally destroyed. I ran to what was going to be the twins room and that shit was destroyed too. A tear rolled down my face. Me and Kentrell had been working hard to set this up and the fact that it was almost finished was irritating and it made me mad.

"Kentrell!" I yelled running upstairs to our room.


Was written on the door.

I bet it was that Asia bitch, I knew.

I went in the room and my heart literally stopped. Kentrell laid out on the floor in his own blood that was now dried up. His shirt was now completely red.

I screamed before running back downstairs. I left out the house going to get Jonnie.

"Jonnie! Kentrell!"I yelled pulling on the door handle.

"Javen wait!" She yelled unlocking the door.

"What?!" I opened it.

"K-Kentrell-" I pointed to the house.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know! Just come!" I grabbed her hand pulling her out the car. I dragged her in the house and she gasped.

"What happened?"

"I have no idea, but look." I ran back upstairs and she followed me. She screamed looking at Kentrell.

"Javen! What happened?!"

"I don't know Jonnie! I just came in here and he was like this, everything was just like this!" I yelled and she took a deep breath.

"Ok ok, we're just gonna have to take him to the hospital." She said and I nodded.

"Call the police." She shook her head.

"No, that's wasting time. They'll have to leave and drive back, for all we know he could be dead now-" I punched her in the arm.

"Sorry, but come on. Just help me get him to the car." I nodded and we both used our strength to pick him up. I heard him give off a light whimper. I looked at Jonnie and she looked at me.

"He's alive." I smiled.

"Yeah bitch barley." I glared at her.

"Lay him on the bed right quick." I did as told and she ripped his shirt off exposing his back that had many bullet wounds.

"Maybe I can take them out."

"No Jonnie let's just take him to the hospital, you're wasting time!" I yelled and she looked at me.

"Fine, but you need to go check on the twins. I got Kentrell." My eyes widened, I completely forgot about my babies. There was too much going on.

I ran downstairs leaving out the house. I went to the car seeing their car seats were still there but they were gone.

"No...." My chest started to heave up and down as I looked around. I just had my kids, just had them. I shouldn't have to go through this and neither should they.

I ran around looking all over for my kids. I went all of our neighbors and they said they didn't see anything or anybody. I seen one lady sitting down in a chair on her porch though. I ran over to her and she looked at me.

"Ma'am I am so sorry to bother you but have you seen my children. They're new born babies like I literally just had them last night. I left them alone in my sisters car for just a few minutes and when I came back they were gone. Do you know where they are? Who might've taken them?"

"Is that your house right there?" She pointed up the street and I nodded.

"There were like 4 people over there. I don't know if they took your kids though-"

"How long ago was that?"

"About 5 minutes."

I have only been out the house for 3. They had to be hella close. They were playing with me.

"Ok so 5 minutes and 4 people?" She nodded.

"What did they look like?"

"I have no idea but I can tell you there were 2 girls and 2 boys." I nodded.

"Thank you so much." She nodded and I ran away. The only people I knew were against me were-

Had to be that Asia bitch, I could feel it
Chris, but he was dead
Three snake ass

Had to be them, had to be. I felt like they were trying to play with me. Kholen really wanted revenge, I knew why he was doing all this though. He just wanted me and only me without any of the extra. Extra being my family and friends, he knew they would fight for me and protect me. He was going to take them all out one by one. Just go easily get me.

When I made it back to the house I seen Jonnie finally had Kentrell in the car.

"Aye where the twins?" She asked.

"Exactly, but take him to the hospital. Imma go find them." She nodded driving away. I ran in the house to change my clothes to black. From head to toe everything I wore was black.

I tied up my hair before going in me and Kentrell's closet. I grabbed the black safe. and bag that was in there. He kept all his guns and shit in these. I left out the room going downstairs, leaving out the house I went to my car. I put everything in my trunk before getting in.

I sighed taking off my ring and necklace Kentrell gave me. I didn't want to lose those.

I kinda just sat there for a moment, I was really going through a lot right now. For no real reason at all. All this shit was just childish, but Kholen's taking it to far.

Don't. Touch. My. Kids.

Nia- I just found out YaYa had her baby 😩💙
Jonnie and Javen found Kentrell 🙏🏾
The twins are missing? 🥺🥺
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