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October 25, 2015
12:55 p.m
Atlanta, Georgia
Continuing from last chapter —
Jonnie Kijah Scott

"Jonnie!" Somebody busted in the class and I seen it was just a boy in my class

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"Jonnie!" Somebody busted in the class and I seen it was just a boy in my class.

"What?" I asked.

"Yo sister just got jumped." He said and I hopped up.

"Didn't I tell y'all bitch asses to leave her alone?!" I asked running out the room ignoring the teacher who was calling my name.

I ran down the halls, I hated this only because I was all the way on the other side of the building.

A few moments later I finally made it to her side of the building. I didn't hear anything nor did I see anything.

I seen Kiera and her friends come out the office though and I rushed over to them. It was a total of 10 of them who would bully her everyday. From the time my sister walked in the building to the time she walked out.

I told her she has to start fighting but she scared of people, but that's why she got me. But I'm not going to be here forever and that's what I want her to realize.

"Aye Kiera! The hell y'all done did now?!" I asked roughly pushing her back.

"Bitch keep yo damn hands to yourself, you and yo sister really think y'all the shit." She chuckled.

"How? Not once has she or I acted like we was all that. We act normal. We both friendly but I know when to get disrespectful so stop playing with me. Y'all some weak ass hoes for jumping my sister. Karma gon come back for dat' ass I promise." I said before walking away.

"Your sisters a weak ass bitch!" She yelled and I turned around to look at her.

"Fight her one on one and see if she a weak bitch!" I laughed continuing on my way to the nurses office.

I seen a boy sitting on the bench and I scrunched up my face because I've never seen him around.

"Hey, who you?" I asked and he looked up from his phone.

"Kentrell." He said and I nodded.

"My sister in here?" I asked.

"Is her name Jaylen? Jaiden? Javen? Whatever." He asked.

"Javen, Javen yes." I said and he nodded. I opened the door going in. I seen as she laid curled up on the floor and the nurse tried to talk to her.

I knocked on the wall lightly and the nurse looked at me.

"Hey Jonnie, she won't get up nor will she talk to me." She said and I nodded. I grabbed her up off the floor as she had her face covered.

"We just gonna go, thank you." I said and she nodded. I walked out he office holding my sister close to me.

"Aye, Kentrell?" He nodded.

"Were you waiting for her?" I asked and he nodded.

"Oh well can you keep her company and make sure don't nobody fuck with her for a second?" I asked and he nodded. I sat her down on the bench beside him

"I'll be right back Jay." I said and she nodded.

Javen Khari Scott

I watched as Jonnie quickly rushed away

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I watched as Jonnie quickly rushed away. A tear rolled down my face and I wiped it. I knew something bad was going to happen by the way Saint was acting.

"They weak as hell for what they pulled." The boy next to me said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, but it's whatever. What's your name again?" I asked.

"Kentrell, Javen? Right?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm sorry you had to see all this on your first day. It's a little ghetto around here." I said and he laughed

"It's Ight, I done seen worse." He said.

"You from here?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'm from Louisiana." He said and I nodded.

"I'm from Chicago." I said and he nodded.

"Why you move here?" He asked and I looked down.

"Well it's just me and my big sister Jonnie. We moved down here to escape our father. It's a little personal." I said.

"But anyway, why you move down here?" I asked and he laughed.

"Mama kicked me out. There ain't really nothing left for me back home so I moved out here. Left all my friends and family. Shit is sad but it is what it is." He shrugged.

"Oh I'm sorry, you live alone?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm use to it though so I don't care." He said.

"I couldn't image just being alone. Not a shoulder to lean on a person to talk to. I'd go crazy." I said shaking my head at the thought.

"That's why I pray me and my sister never fall out and if we do we bounce right back because that's my everything." I smiled.

"Y'all got a tight bond huh?" He asked and I nodded. Then I seen Jonnie coming back. She had her stuff and my stuff.

"Ight come on." She said and I got up.

"Uh I'll see you around ok." I said and he smiled making me smile.

"Ight, hope you feel better." He said and I nodded before walking away with Jonnie. She looked at me weird as I still had a smile on my face.

"You just got jumped and was crying and shit now you all smiles. Wassup?" She asked.

"Do you think he wants to be friends? He'll be the first friend I've had since we've moved here." I smiled and she laughed.

"Calm down ok, and I don't know. Just relax and don't be acting weird around him. Be yourself and if he does Wanna be your friend then he does. If he doesn't don't try to force it or get sad." She said and I nodded still having a smile on my face.

He's the first person to ever be genuinely nice to me. I hope he wanted to be my friend. I'll just have to see.

Nia -
Short chapter 😒
Javen and Kentrell might become friends? 👀
I know this was boring and I'm sorry y'all 😩
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Love you guys 💙💙
No I didn't reread so excuse mistakes

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