Problems Within

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December 1, 2015
2:27 p.m
Atlanta, Georgia
Continuing from last chapter—
Javen Khari Scott

mAtlanta, Georgia Continuing from last chapter—Javen Khari Scott

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Tears ran down my face as I stared at my chest. I had to change the bandage, they were going to do it but I didn't want them to. My first session had ended about and hour ago, I was resting now. I was in a bit of pain but I wasn't feeling as bad as I was when I first got here. They told me I had to stay here for a few days but after that, depending on how I was feeling I could go home. Although I was still going to have to come every other week so they could check to make sure I was doing ok.

My next session was going to be in another 3 months. I was scared but ready, I didn't like feeling like this. Hopefully this would all go away very very soon.

What they did left a big cut going from my chest to the bottom of my stomach. They said the scar would fade away and to not cover it up. They called it a battle scar. I was really nervous about this scar, what if Kentrell found it to be unattractive?

There was a light knock on the door then it opened. I covered myself only for it to be Kentrell. He smiled making me return one.

"You good? Feeling alright?" I nodded.

"Still in a bit of pain but I'll be fine." He nodded coming over to me. He pulled up a chair sitting down.

"You look better." I chuckled just to immediately stop due to the pain.

"They told me you had a scar that you were embarrassed about, can I see it?" I shook my head.


"Because it's ugly and I don't want you to lose feelings because you think it's unattractive." He laughed kissing my cheek.

"Girl I think you're beautiful, show me." I sighed uncovering myself. When his eyes landed on my chest they roamed down my stomach and then back up.

"That's gonna be one scar....." He gently placed a kiss on either side of my stomach.

"You're beautiful." I smiled.

"Thank you, for everything. Again, I'm sorry for snapping on you how I did yesterday. I was just up-"

"It's Ight, I understood. I'm sorry. And regardless of anything I was still going to get that money for you. I wasn't going to let you leave me."

"And guess what?" I raised and eyebrow. By the smile on his face I knew it was good news, thank God.

"I had about 10k left over." I smiled, knowing him he was probably going to use it in the best way possible.

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