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November 31, 2015
10:52 a.m
Atlanta, Georgia
Jonnie Kijah Scott

I sat up in my hospital bed with Ben right beside me

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I sat up in my hospital bed with Ben right beside me. Joe and KD were at the police station for Kentrell and DJ and Sky were with Javen who was perfectly fine thank God. Me on the other hand, I got shot twice. I had got shot in my stomach and one in my chest. Thankfully they were able to safely remove the bullets. I was just resting now.

I had never been shot before, that pain was new to me. I was thankful that I didn't die, they told me I could've if they waited to take the bullets out any longer. This made me feel strong for some reason, like I just overcame something so big.

But want to know who's really strong? Javen. She actually died for about 5 minutes but thankfully the doctors didn't give up on her. Everything had happened so fast, this was the scariest thing that I've ever been through.

I got up from my seat walking down the hall to Javen's room. I haven't been back to see her in a few days. I didn't want to see my sister like that. But I really did miss her so I had to suck it up.

As I got closer to her room I could hear yelling and the sound of things breaking. When I went in I seen hella security.

"What the hell." I said to myself and then I seen it was Kentrell and that Kamryn nigga fighting. I looked over at Javen and she looked very tired. Her eyes were almost closed and she had tears running down her face. I rushed over to her and she looked at me.

"Jonnie...please stop them. I'm too tired...." Her voice was so weak. Somebody bumped into me and I seen it was Kentrell. I grabbed him before he could do anything else.

"Kentrell you got to stop, this is to much for her." We both looked back to see her eyes were closed completely.

"Javen." She didn't even move. Kentrell pushed me away grabbing her hand.

"Go get a doctor!" I yelled and he ran out the room. Then out the corner of my eye I seen something being pointed at us.


As soon as security tried to grab the gun he let off at least 5 shots.

I screamed falling to the ground. I held my stomach also feeling the pain coming from my chest.

I kinda zoned out, I could hear all sorts of yelling but I could only focus directly on the pain I was feeling.

My eyes started to close until somebody grabbed my arm. I looked up seeing it was Kentrell.

"I left for 5 seconds...." He said more to himself. I held onto him tightly.

"Somebody coming Ight." I nodded.

"What about Javen?"

"Somebody gon come for the b-" A police officer snatched him up and a tear rolled down my face. Police officers could be very cruel, especially if you tried to fight back. I didn't want anything to happen to Kentrell so I just hope he listened.

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