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Nia - FREEKENTRELL 🥺❤️ TIL it's backwards bitch! 😤💕
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July 5, 2034
9:22 p.m
Los Angeles, California
Journey A'Shay Gaulden

I was out walking around trying to clear my head

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I was out walking around trying to clear my head. I had a lot on my mind and just needed some air. More importantly I needed somebody to talk to but, I was scared. I felt like everybody was going to judge me or make fun of me. Tell me that's what I get. I didn't need that, I needed somebody to listen and actually care.

I came across a bench which I sat on. My eyes drifted up toward the sky.

I wish my mommy was still here. My daddy has showed me so many pictures of her and she was so pretty. Made me wonder how she got with my daddy because he a lil ugly. Nah, I'm just kidding. Others would say they weren't meant for each other and they may be right, but they took it as far as they could with each other. That means something.

I just wish I got a chance to actually spend enough time with her to where I could remember her. I don't remember anything, I mean I was only a year old when she passed.

My daddy tells me I act a lot like her. Stubborn and had the worst communication ever. Every time something bothered us we would shut down and act out. Just make things worse. 

I just wished she was here, maybe she's what I needed. I also had another big brother, Javani's twin. I thought that was cool for her, to have literally another part of her. I knew it hurt her when he left though.

As I looked up at the sky I could feel a presence on either side of me. I made a face, nobody was there. I reached my hands out not feeling anybody.

I sighed just continuing to sit there. I felt this tingly sensation on my hands. I looked down with a smile. I had no idea what it was but it was like a good spirit.

I sat there for about 10 more minutes before getting up and making my way home.

"Jersey!" I looked around not seeing anybody. I made a face and then somebody tapped my arm. I looked before smiling.


I've known her ever since I was in elementary school, 4th grade to be specific. She way gay now and that's kinda how our friendship ended. But it was my fault.

She came out and told me 2 years ago in just 6th grade. It weirded me out because I guess I just didn't understand and I didn't want other people to think I was weird for hanging with her. People at my school got bullied for being different like that. I shouldn't have left her hanging, she had to deal with that alone because of me.

I heard when she told her parents they kicked her out, now she lives with her aunt.

This was a great opportunity for me to apologize to her now. Hopefully she forgives me.

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