Take Off

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Excuse any mistakes I didn't have time to reread

November 28, 2021
6:24 p.m
Los Angeles, California
Javen Khari Scott

"Look na' I ain't gon do this shit witchu'

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"Look na' I ain't gon do this shit witchu'. Either sitcho' ass down or get da' fuck." I told Journey who was moving entirely to much.

Today was Thanksgiving and everybody was over at our house eating. It was so many people here, from Kentrell's side, my side and people we both know together. Then there was all these kids. I loved this though, we definitely needed to be around family right now.

She grabbed my turkey off my plate putting it in her mouth.

"Damnit Shay." Journey couldn't eat food like that, at least not in big pieces like that.

I took what I could out her mouth making sure she chewed the rest real good.

"Stop messing."

"Girl leave that baby alone." Nia mumbled.

"Uh she can't eat that much at one time." I said and she just nodded.

"You know she's really beautiful Jay." Kentrell's mother said making me smile.

"Thank you."

"Bet your finally glad to actually have something of his. Y'know, no more pending your mistakes on him."

Everybody in the house stopped talking and I looked at Skylar. Everybody was looking at us.

"What did you say?"

"Y'all it's Thanksgiving day-"

"I don't give a fuck- I don't care. What did you say?"

"You heard me the first time." I stood up adjusting my child on my hip.

"Bitch you better watch yo mouth." Sevyn defended

"And you better watch yours." DaiJianna said, honesty since Jalyn came and Khari died everybody's been acting funny. They was really minding me and Kentrell's business and I didn't like that very much.

I didn't even know why I invited the fakes, I just wanted the kids to see their cousins. No matter what terms me and a Kentrell on with they mamas and daddy's those are still and will forever be their cousins. We make sure they get to see them at least once a week. Kids are innocent, they shouldn't have to suffer because of us.

But I was trying to be nice today by inviting everybody because I thought it would give everybody a chance to reconnect. Everybody's been throwing shade at each other all day and I was sick of it.

I was pregnant and these hormones were crazy, I didn't need to be played with.

"Look, I was kind enough to invite y'all to my house. The least you could do is show me respect in it and respect my kids. They are not mistakes they are life changes. My light, my guide. Don't talk about the reasons I get up every morning." They both just rolled their eyes.

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