Win for a loss

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October 28, 2015
2: 28 a.m
Atlanta, Georgia
DaiJianna Loyal Jackson

mAtlanta, Georgia DaiJianna Loyal Jackson

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Nia - #LLPA 🥺💔

I sat downstairs on the couch with Jonnie who was asleep. We had got her to wake up and we cleaned up her bruises and stuff. I felt bad, wonder why somebody would want to hurt a pretty girl like her.

Ben came down the stairs making me smile.

"I didn't know she went back to sleep." He said.

"Yeah, she was pretty tired. Just passed out right here." I said as he went in the kitchen.

"You Ight, you look a little stressed. Been looking like that for a while now." He said making me sigh.

"Nothing just dealing with back to back miscarriages." I said.

"Damn, lost another one?" He asked and I nodded.

"Fount out like a day or two before we came down here." I shook my head.


"No he doesn't know I was pregnant nor does he know I had a miscarriage. I would like to keep it that way ok, don't say anything." I said and he nodded.

He came over to Jonnie just staring at her.

"Move mane, quit being weird." I said and he laughed picking her up.

"Imma take her to a guest room, night." He said and I nodded watching him walk away.

When he was out of sight I took a deep breath. Then KD came down the stairs and I smacked my lips lowly.

He looked at me but didn't say anything. He went in the kitchen getting something to drink.

No we didn't date, but we were messing around. We been real distant ever since my last miscarriage.

I've had a total of 5. It's sad because last time I got pregnant I didn't even bother to get my hopes up because I knew what was going to happen. And it did happen.

"Hey KD." I said and he nodded.

"You doing ok?" I asked and he nodded.

"You sure?" I asked and he nodded.

"Can you please say something?" I asked and he didn't say anything.

"You mad at me?" I asked and he didn't say anything.

"Alright....." I sighed getting on my phone.

"You lost another one?" He asked and I looked at him, I shook my head.

"So you pregnant?" He asked.

"No KD, why yo-"

"Why you gotta lie? I found the test in yo bathroom back in BR before we came down here. It was positive, so is you pregnant?" He asked and I shook my head.

"At least not anymore." I said and he shook his head walking away.

"I know you not mad at me!" I yelled and he looked at me.

"I'm not, neither am I surprised." He mumbled.

"You so damn infertile." He said and my jaw dropped.

"Why would say that?" I asked.

"Because it's true, get pregnant and can't stay pregnant. What kinda shit is that? Something wrong with you. Imma need for you to go get checked." He said and I threw a pillow at him.

"That's not funny if you tryna be funny. Something could actually be wrong with me." I said.

"That's why I said, go get checked." He said.

"How about you get the fuck outta my face." I said sitting up a little. He was pissing me off, I felt like he was blaming me.

"Why you getting upset?" He asked.

"Because you sitting here tryna blame me for something I have no control over." I said.

"No DJ, all I said was you need to go get checked because you get pregnant and can't stay pregnant. That's all I said." He chuckled.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I asked.

"You started talking to me first love." He said.

"Because I was trying to make sure you were ok. While you were sitting here acting mad and shit." I said.

"I wasn't mad DJ." He sighed.

"You were though, it was all in your voice nigga-"

"Are you tryna argue? Because I can walk away, I'm not finna argue with a-"

"A what?" I asked and he shook his head.

"A Lil' girl. Not finna argue with a lil girl'." He mumbled.

"Is that meant to be disrespectful or what?"

"Take it how you want too DJ." He laughed.

"Ok see- let me remove myself before I hurt him." I mumbled getting up. I brushed past him going down the hall to a guest room.

I slammed the door before sitting on the bed.

Out of everybody I have the worst anger issues. The littlest shit can piss me off. I don't know why I'm like this, I've been this way since I was a little kid.

Then I started hearing loud ass feet stomping. Then everybody busted in my room.

"What?" I asked as they all just stared at me.

"You slam another damn door in MY house I'm kicking yo ass out! You and yo anger issues gonna have to find somewhere to fucking stay!" Kentrell yelled and I flicked him off.

"Why you so angry? It's like 2 something in the morning." Javen said and I mugged her.

I didn't really like her, she was weird and too damn weak. I can't hang with weak bitches.

"Mind your own business ok." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"DJ you can't be mad at the world because you can't keep a man or a baby." Everybody's eyes drifted towards KD.

"The hell is y'all looking at?" He asked.

"Shut the hell up." Skylar said though gritted teeth.

"Can y'all get out please?" I asked and everybody but Jonnie left.

"I said y'all, that includes you babygirl." I said.

"My name ain't y'all bAbYgIrL." She said putting her weight on one foot.

"Well JONNIE, exit my muhfucking room." I said.

"Ask nicely and I might." She smirked making me mad.

"Jonnie May you please exit my room?" I asked and she smiled.

"Yes ma'am, night." She winked leaving out my room closing the door behind her.

I rolled my eyes laying down. I started to cry trying to be quiet. I didn't want anybody to know I was crying. I never cried in front of people, I felt that made me look stupid.

I heard the door open and somebody laid beside me wrapping their arms around me.

"I luh' you." Skylar said making me chuckle. I didn't say anything back just closed my eyes trying to force myself to sleep. I just wanted to go home.

Nia- Y'all see what Kentrell posted? 🥺🥺🥺 him so sweet and be sounding so innocent 😍
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