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July 17, 2018
1:46 p.m
Los Angeles, California
Javen Khari Scott

mLos Angeles, California Javen Khari Scott

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"I can't believe you're pregnant." Danny said as we walked around the mall. I didn't say anything, I didn't even tell Chris yet. I was scared, but Winter and Danny promised they would go with me. Even after the talk me and Jonnie had I still didn't really want the baby. Abortion was still in my mind.

I had even went to my first appointment today I'm 12 weeks. 3 months, I found that crazy as hell being I could really find out the gender next month.

"Especially by Chris." Winter said shaking her head.

"How old is he anyway?"

"21." I replied, every time I told people that they did the most like it wasn't that and of and age difference I'm 18.

"Oh...." She mumbled.

"What do you mean oh? You got a problem with that?" She laughed.

"No hot head, I was just saying." She shrugged.

"Well don't just say, mind your business ok." She gave off a small eye roll.

"Sorry baby mama." I glared at her.

"Look what I found." Danny handed me a pair of baby shoes. I knocked them out her hand walking away.

"Don't start, I might not even have this baby." I said.


"I might get and abortion." I shrugged.

"Wow......that's a little selfish." I looked at Danny.


"Killing a child that didn't ask to be where it is, selfish." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Look if I don't want the baby I do not have to keep it. It's my body so it's my choice. Plus you not in my situation so you don't understand." I said, I was getting tired of them.

"Whatever..." I threw down what I had in my hand walking out the store. I was in the verge of crying, I was frustrated. It's like nobody understood where I was coming from.

I was not mentally stable nor was I ready to bring a child into this world. I can barley take care of myself, so how the hell can I take care of a full grown baby? Especially when Chris is the father, I'm trying to get away from him not pulled closer.

"Javen we didn't mean to make you upset ok-" I turned around to look at Danny and Winter.

"Can y'all please just mind your business? I know what I want to do and why I want to do it. I know my decision may seem wrong in yours eyes but if you were in my situation you would completely understand. But y'all know nothing about what I'm personally going through so you honestly shouldn't say anything to me." They looked at each other then at me.

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