• 2 • cuthberts, cuddles, and cpr

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'But you were the first man to really love me'


Anne had never ran faster in her entire life. She couldn't think or feel anything. All she thought was:

I need to get home to Matthew.

And every time she remembered something about Matthew; his smile, the way he smelled like grass, his quiet voice, his everything; she ran faster.

She could hear shouting behind her, probably Jerry and Gilbert, but she didn't care.

I need to get home to Matthew.

Gilbert's heart was racing as he chased after Anne. There was no way he could catch up with her, but he had to at least keep pace.

What happened to Matthew?

If they need a doctor...it can't be good. Gilbert just hoped he could handle whatever it was. He couldn't let down Anne, let alone the Cuthberts who had offered him so much support since his dad passed. He owed them a serious debt. He would have done it without any debt.

They finally reached the fence of Green Gables where they could see Marilla frantically waving her arms to call them over.

Gilbert could already see Matthew lying in the grass with his hand over his heart.

This isn't good.

Anne got there a few seconds before Jerry and Gilbert and immediately screamed in shock. She looked desperately at Gilbert, tears already streaming down her cheeks.

Gilbert kneeled besides Matthew and put his fingers gently on the crook of Matthew's neck, "His pulse is weak. I need to do CPR."

Anne barely knew what that meant. She just watched, frozen. Marilla had taken a step back and stayed stoic, showing barely any emotion. Jerry was wide-eyed. He didn't know what was happening or what to do. He just knew he had to get Anne and Gilbert.

"Anne, I need you to find Matthew's pulse." Gilbert stayed calm and collected. Inside he was panicking, but he knew how to handle himself. He had to act like a doctor.

Anne knelt next to him and found Matthew's pulse on his wrist, "It's so faint, I can barely feel it." She choked out.

Anne was trying to be brave, but she felt like she was going to pass out. Gilbert seemed so calm — how could he be so calm?

Gilbert wasn't calm, but he couldn't let Anne know that. He carefully blew into Matthews mouth before beginning chest compressions.

Come on Matthew, breathe.

"His pulse is getting lighter." Anne whispered in disbelief.

"Dammit," Gilbert muttered under his breath.

Marilla watched as a 17-year-old boy tried to save the life of her only remaining brother. As much as she wanted hope, she was too realistic. She always had been.

It had been almost an hour of Gilbert performing CPR on Matthew. His pulse had gone, but Gilbert didn't want to give up. He couldn't give up.

He didn't until he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Stop," Marilla said quietly, "you did your best."

Anne leapt up in disbelief, "Marilla we have to keep-"

"Anne, no." Marilla walked over to Anne and took her in her arms, "It's over."

Anne completely broke down in Marilla's arms. She had never felt a more tragical day than this. How could such a blessed day turn into one of the worst in her life?

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