• 17 • partners, practice, and proximity

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Fun fact: you can waltz to the timing of this song :)

'Every breath

Every hour has come to this'


"How are we supposed to do this?" Anne asked as Gilbert opened the barn door.

Gilbert smirked back at her as she walked in, "And I thought you were the smartest student in the class."

"I am the smartest student in class." Anne answered defensively.

"Then you should remember how to dance, Carrots."

"I do, Doctor." Anne hit his arm playfully, making him chuckle, "I meant how are we going to practice in a barn with barely any light and no music."

Without saying a word, Gilbert walked away and began opening the barn windows and doors, "The moon is giving more than enough light."

He strolled back over Anne with his classic boyish smile, "And I can sing for you."

Anne shook her head, "I've heard about your singing from Bash, I think you can spare me the pain."

Gilbert crossed his arms defensively, "Whatever he said is not true!" He bit his lip in thought, "What if I just hum?"

"If you must." Anne gave up.

"I must." Gilbert winked.

Anne stood anxiously watching as Gilbert walked up to her and looked at her expectantly.

The scene was absolutely romantical. Dancing under the stars? That sounds like it's straight out of the pages of a novel.

Anne imagined them in a grand ballroom, adorned in the fanciest clothing money could buy. She would have long auburn hair and wear a pink dress that matched her perfectly. It would have huge puff sleeves sewed by the finest dressmakers in all the land.

Gilbert would be in a dashing blue suit made from material purchased at the most expensive fabric store. His hair would be tamed, but not tamed enough to stop a curl or two from peeking out. His eyes, well they would look just as they do now. Shining and big and full of love.

I do think he's dreamy.

"May I have your hand?"

Anne snapped out of her trance and looked at Gilbert bewildered.

Could he tell I was thinking about him like that?

"What?" Anne was still in a state of shock.

Gilbert could tell Anne was in some sort of daydream. He always found her imagination to be endearing. He hoped that maybe he was in some of them...in a good way of course. He hoped he helped balance out the nightmares she'd have later.

Gilbert flashed her a charming smile and bowed, "Your hand?"

"Right," Anne came back to reality, "right, here."

He took her hand in his gently. She didn't move. She just looked at every detail on his face carefully.

His splendid chin, his long eyelashes, his tiny freckles-

"I think your hand goes on my arm." Gilbert broke the awkward silence, again forcing Anne out of her trance.

Anne was very aware they had already been in this same exact position during the their first rehearsal at school. But right now was different.

Right now, they were under the moonlight with no one remotely close to them. It was just Gilbert and Anne.

Anne put her hand on Gilbert's upper arm and he put his on her back.

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