• 35 • drama, divulging, and denial

580 15 33

'Reality will break your heart

Survival will not be the hardest part'


Rachel Lynde was on a mission to make her dance happen.

The only chance she had was the town hall being built in time for July. The kids in Avonlea deserved one last celebration before going off to school.

She had also put far too much time into teaching them that dance for everyone to miss it and not praise her gallant efforts.

Every time Rachel brought up reviving the dance during a committee meeting, the men shot her down. It was always a passive claim about the finishing being too dark or how they needed the new benches built before even thinking of inviting people.

But the day she finally proved successful, Rachel bursted through the doors of Green Gables, "Marilla, I have the most wonderful news!"

Rachel couldn't have picked a more chaotic day. It was the first week of May, so the Cuthberts, Bash, Mary, Gilbert, and Jerry were preparing to get back in a rhythm of taking care of both farms. It was their day of sitting down and discussing what needed to be done and how to split their time. The timing of their crops was essential.

Her face fell a bit when she saw the whole group sitting at the Cuthbert's kitchen table, "I see you already have company."

Marilla was too tired and busy to deal with Rachel today, "Usually you come unprompted."

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Now is not the time for crops, Marilla. I have exciting news!"

"Do tell."

The other five looked at each other in anticipation. Rachel was dramatic, but news for Rachel was news for all of Avonlea.

Gilbert and Anne hadn't really talked to each other since she showed him the letter. They were so busy with exam prep that they barely had time to think about it.

But they still both thought about it. Constantly.

"The ball is back on!"

Anne's eyes widened and she instinctively glanced at Gilbert, who looked pale.

As much as he just wanted to go back to how they were, Gilbert knew there was no coming back from this, at least for a while. He and Anne were doing a great job avoiding each other, but the dance coming back ruined all of the work they did. They would have to practice again. They would have to perform for the whole town.

And Anne agreed to going together.

"I thought you two would be excited." Rachel looked at Anne and Gilbert skeptically.

Neither of them answered. Anne laughed nervously and Gilbert scratched the back of his neck.

The adults stared in silence. The only person who really knew what was happening was Mary, and even she wasn't completely updated after the potential proposal debacle.

"Well get excited. Muriel will be informed today and practices will resume tomorrow." Rachel was waiting for someone to be grateful but no one was responding like she expected.

"I think that's lovely." Mary smiled, bouncing Delly on her lap.

She was hoping Anne and Gilbert being forced together again would help.

"Exams are tomorrow." Anne exclaimed the moment she remembered.

Anything to get out of this.

"And you'll dance afterwards to celebrate." Rachel wouldn't allow anyone to get in the way of her event.

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