• 10 • dancing, directions, and discoveries

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*What they're taught is traditional and basic (because they're kids lol), but I love this song (even though it's much more modern than what they'd practice to) and it shows a more elaborate version of 'The King and Queen's Waltz'*

'Now you're beside me,

And look how far we've come'


"The waltz is a simple but effective dance style originating from the 13th century."

Rachel Lynde had stolen the spotlight from Miss Stacy the moment she walked into the room.

The room was clear, with the tables and chairs pushed off to the ends of the space. Boys stood on one side of the room and girls on the other. Each pair faced each other.

Anne and Gilbert had yet to look at each other for more than a second. The events of this morning hadn't escaped either of them, as much as they wanted them to.

"The box step is the simplest base of the waltz." Rachel announced to get everyone's attention, "Imagine your feet making a box on the floor and always lead with your outside foot."

"Gentlemen you will step forward with your right foot, to the side with your left and close them together. Then you step back with your left, to the side with your right and close again."

Every single boy looked like they were just ordered to do long division with the alphabet.

"Front side close, back side close. Do it with me!"

The boys tripped over their own feet for about ten minutes before finally getting the move down.

Anne stared at Gilbert the whole time.

He was concentrating on his feet and mouthing the directions as Rachel said them out loud. It didn't take long for him to get it, and when he did he was smooth and in rhythm.

Anne couldn't stop thinking about how cute his face looked when he concentrated and how artful he looked when he finally got the step down. It was the first time Anne genuinely saw him as dreamy, like Ruby described him weeks ago.

Oh no.

Gilbert picked up his head to see Anne looking entranced by him. He felt his heart beating as he caught her eyes and smiled at her.

Anne felt her face start burning as she lost eye contact with Gilbert and tried to pay attention to Rachel.

"Ladies, you will do the opposite. Back side close, front side close. Now you do it with me."

Gilbert watched as his partner figured out the moves pretty quickly. Anne was talented on her feet and understood the steps well. Physically dancing with her would be easy. Emotionally was a whole other story.

"Now we put you together."

The class didn't move. They didn't really digest they would be dancing with someone else until Rachel Lynde was about to force them together.

"We don't have all day!"

The pairs met in the middle. Anne and Gilbert looked at everything except each other. Anne caught Diana's eye, who gave her a face that said, 'Look at him!'

Anne finally looked over at Gilbert who was anxiously scratching the back of his neck and staring at the ceiling.

"Backs straight and press your hands together. Let's get the footwork down first."

Gilbert had to turn and face Anne who already had her hands up and was looking at him expectantly.

"Yes, sorry, here." He stuttered before pressing his palms against Anne's.

Both of them felt it.


"I'll say the gentlemen's directions since they surely need the help. Ready? Let's go!"

Each pair of dancers started moving, but none of them did well.

The room filled with giggles, ow's, and a very loud "That's my foot, Moody!"

Anne and Gilbert looked down at their feet until they started moving smoothly.

"Front side close, back side close, very good."

When they looked up, both of them bursted into laughter.

For the first time since that morning, Anne and Gilbert went back to having fun together. They weren't awkward kids forced to dance, they were best friends goofing around.

Rachel clapped her hands and got the students to stop, "Now the proper way to hold your partner."

"Ladies right hand in the gentleman's left."

Gilbert put out his left hand with a sly smile, "Truce?"

Anne laughed, reminiscing the first time they shook hands, "T-R-U-C-E," and took his hand.

"Ladies, your left hand will rest on top of your partner's upper tricep. Gentlemen wrap your right arm around their back put your hand just below your partner's left shoulder blade."

Anne placed her hand nervously on Gilbert's arm and he wrapped his arm carefully around her back.

Unless they were hugging, they had never been this close to each other.

Anne never realized how tall Gilbert was until this moment. She had to actually try and reach her arm up to his shoulder. He always looked so lean that she underestimated him.

Gilbert intentionally put his arm a little further around Anne's back to pull her closer. He liked dancing with her. He liked her.

He finally admitted it to himself.

Bash is going to make fun of me for the rest of my life.

"Now, let's put it all together."

Being two of the more coordinated students in the classroom, Anne and Gilbert quickly put the move together.

They didn't take their eyes off of each other.

The rest of the world faded away. It was only Anne, Gilbert, and Rachel's counting in the background.

Anne was facing a life-changing revelation. She couldn't tell if it was the heat of the moment or something she had coming for a while, but Anne knew she had feelings for Gilbert.

This is the beginning of a tragical romance, isn't it?

Gilbert had just faced the same revelation. He had a feeling Anne was realizing the same thing. But he had no idea what to do about it.

When the music stopped, Anne and Gilbert let go of each other and took a step away.

Being thrown back into reality hit them both.

Anne couldn't like Gilbert. They were friends and rivals. Ruby would never forgive her.

Gilbert couldn't like Anne. She was his best friend and constantly kept him improving. If they left each other, he would have one less valuable person in his life. He couldn't lose anyone.

It was agreed. Gilbert and Anne wouldn't let a dance practice get to them.

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