• 20 • beaus, bullies, and billy

695 16 64

'And I don't care what they say about you baby,

They don't know what you've been through'


TW: Violence (nothing gory, but I wanted to give an FYI)

It was Christmas Eve and Gilbert was terrified.

After his conversation with Winifred about having her hand, he panicked. He really liked Winifred, but this all felt as if it was moving so quickly. He had only really known her for a month and now she was suggesting they marry? It was all too much.

To make matters even more complicated, Winifred would be joining him, Bash, Mary, and Delly for some Christmas Eve festivities. He was introducing Winifred to his family and essentially the entire town.

Gilbert didn't think when he invited Winifred to Christmas Eve. He thought he was inviting a friend who had nothing better to do. Unknowingly, he was presenting their alleged 'courtship' to the Avonlea and officiating their relationship with his family.

And Anne.

Anne wouldn't be with him tonight, but she would see them tomorrow on Christmas Day. They were bound to meet and that didn't make Gilbert feel at ease whatsoever. Even walking around the town today to get groceries for dinner was anxiety inducing.

So when he ran into Billy on his walk home, Gilbert barely had any patience left.

"Gilbert, bud, long time no see." Billy approached Gilbert with opened arms, but Gilbert just help walking.

"Yes, hi Billy." He responded passively.

Billy walked to keep up with him, "I heard you snagged a Charlottetown girl. A rich one at that too. Must be relieved you got rid of that ugly orphan, huh?"

Gilbert was beyond tired of people degrading Anne when they didn't even know her. They had always been awful and he never understood why.

"Leave Anne out of this." He said threateningly.

Billy put his arms up in surrender, "I'm just congratulating you, bud! You upgraded from a dog to a real woman." He put his hand on Gilbert's shoulder, "It's quite the accomplishment."

"I'm not your bud." Gilbert shook off Billy's hand, "And don't call Anne a dog."

Billy didn't understand what Gilbert saw in Anne. He hated that someone he desired the attention of was willing to fight for someone so disgusting, "You don't have to protect her anymore. She's not your responsibility."

Gilbert shook his head, "She never needed my protection because she's much stronger than you will ever be, bud. But if you say one more bad thing about her, you'll regret it."

Billy stopped walking, "What's wrong with you?"

"Go away Billy." Gilbert yelled back.

"As long as you don't go back to that freak."

Gilbert froze in his tracks, "What did you say?"

Billy took a step towards Gilbert, "I said she's a dog, a loser, and a freak, Blythe. And you're too much of a gentleman to do anything about it."

Gilbert turned around and pointed his finger at Billy, "You underestimate everyone except yourself, don't you?"

"Oh so I should actually call Anne an ugly dog." Billy challenged him.

"What did I tell you, Billy?" Gilbert said quietly and coldly.

Billy didn't care, "A bunch of talk, bud."

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