• 7 • woes, whispers, and waltz

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'Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough

Just a second we're not broken just bent, and we can learn to love again'


Anne was excited to go back to school, but her fight with Gilbert added a huge hesitation.

The day already felt gloomy. Anne left the house in a cloudy mood complemented by the cloudy day.

Today was supposed to be a magical and happy day, but it was far from it. The trees looked dull and sad. Soft rain was hitting Anne's braids, making them frizzier than usual.

The only thing that excited her was the prospect of seeing her bosom friend for a walk to school.

The second Anne saw Diana, she ran and hugged the girl, almost toppling them into the mud.

"Diana, how lovely it is to see you. I oh so needed the auspicious gift of your presence on such a sad and terrible day."

Diana couldn't help but smile at her friend's dramatic words. She missed it terribly.

"Anne, my lovely bosom friend, I am here to relieve your woes. What haunts you so?"

Anne scowled, "That wretched Gilbert Blythe."

Diana pulled away and held her friend at arms length, "What has he done now?"

"That boy thought he could criticize me and fight me and even call me Carrots in my own home." Anne huffed, "He's inserted himself into my life at Green Gables, Diana! Whatever am I supposed to do?"

Diana tilted her head, "Why is Gilbert at Green Gables?"

"He decided to be all kind and noble and help Marilla and me on the farm so I can still go to school."

Diana smirked. This was the perfect opportunity to get them together, "That seems quite chivalrous of him, doesn't it."

Anne's heart swelled, "Oh it's a romantical dream that a prince would do anything to help his princess."

Before she let herself fall into the fairytale trap, Anne stopped herself, "But it's Gilbert Blythe. That awful, stupid boy."

The two girls finally reached the schoolhouse where the boys were throwing a football, the girls were huddled by the oak tree whispering and looking at them, and Gilbert, keeping up his I'm different composure, could be seen sitting in Miss Stacy's office, reading.

Diana and Anne walked over to the girls and joined their conversation.

"Look who decided to show up." Josie hissed at Anne.

Anne crossed her arms. She expected some sort of mercy from Josie, but she now understood that was a silly and naive hope.

"Trust me, I wish I wasn't here with you either."

"Then leave."

Jane got between the girls and pushed them apart, "Girls, stop! There's much more important things to talk about than your stupid bickering."

Both Anne and Josie rolled their eyes. Their fight was far from over.

Ruby looked over her shoulder at the schoolhouse, "Do you think Gilbert will ask me to go?"

"Go to what?" Anne had clearly missed out on all of the latest news.

"Catch up, Anne."

"Shut up, Josie."

Tilly interrupted, "The dance, of course! Anne, you missed it. Miss Stacy is holding a winter ball and we all get to go!"

Anne suddenly felt excited for the first time in weeks, she forgotten all about the ball. A ball is the most romantical event of all! She would be adorned in the finest clothes and have the biggest puff sleeves you could ever imagine. Everyone would be enamored by her beauty as she gracefully entered the ball a little late, of course. Even wretched Josie Pye wouldn't believe her beauty.

"I will make Gilbert ask me and say no of course." Ruby stated, as if that was the clear circumstance for her.

Diana put her hand on her friend's shoulder, "Ruby, why on earth would you say no? I thought you were in love with him."

"I need to make sure his devotion is true. He will ask me again and I will only accept on the third attempt if it is grand enough."

"You're crazy, Ruby." Jane commented.

The bell rang and all of the girls ran inside.

The classroom was buzzing with excitement over the upcoming dance. Nothing was more enticing than the prospect of dressing up and potentially going with someone to such a remarkable event.

Gilbert was the first to sit down, so he watched Anne enter the classroom, raving about the upcoming ball.

Had they not fought, he probably would have asked her to go. Now, he could barely stand to look at her. She hurt him.

Anne immediately noticed Gilbert in his seat. She expected she would feel undeniably angry at him, but she was more frustrated. Oddly enough, she missed him.

Why did we have to fight like that?

Miss Stacy walked to the front of the room and the class fell silent. She had told them she would share a special announcement about the dance only if they kept calm that morning. There was nothing they wanted to hear about more.

"I have news I think you may be very excited about." Miss Stacy smiled at her class who all were completely focused on her.

"Rachel Lynde asked me if you would be interested in performing a classic dance for the ball attendees! I thought it would be a wonderful addition for our guests since they're funding this ball."

Everyone's eyes widened. Dancing? With each other?

"What kind of dancing?" Josie asked without raising her hand. She was never one for pleasantries.

Miss Stacy felt annoyed with her outburst, but brushed it off, "The waltz! Mrs. Lynde wanted to pull a classic from the 13th century."

Tilly raised her hand, "Does that mean we'll be dancing in partners?"

Miss Stacy knew what reaction she was about to get, "Yes."

And that's when the class was stunned.

"Partner's that I'm assigning." She added.

Anne's heart began racing. The prospect of dancing with someone was the most romantical thing she could think of. But she also knew none of these boys were worth her romance. Maybe she'd dance with Diana. Surely Miss Stacy would see how that was a good idea.

"I posted a list in the back of the classroom so I get the luxury of not announcing them. You may have five minutes to go look before returning to class."

The whole class jumped up at the same time and raced to the back of the classroom.

Anne was too nervous to move, "Diana, what if she put us with one of the boys? I couldn't bare to even think of spending any time with them."

Diana smiled at Anne's dramatics, "I'm sure we'll be fine."

Students began stepping away from the list as Anne and Diana walked up to it. A few students looked absolutely crushed and some were jumping with glee.

Ruby came rushing up to Anne with tears in her eyes, "Anne, you can't. You can't go with him!"

Anne's stomach dropped.

No way.

She approached the list and searched for her name.

'Anne Shirley-Cuthbert and Gilbert Blythe'

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