• 24 • homecoming, hallucinations, and hearsay

667 20 54

'Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did

Looking like a true survivor'


Going back to school after the holidays was always a dreaded event. Even Anne, who loved school and Miss Stacy more than anything, was anxious about returning.

Beyond Gilbert and Marilla, Anne didn't tell anyone about what happened in the forest. She told everyone she tripped on a branch and they all bought it.

What terrified her was knowing her school friends would ask a whole list of questions. Josie was bound to make demeaning remarks that Anne did not need to hear right now. At least Billy was out of school.

The only good thing was Gilbert would be back for the remainder of the year. Traveling constantly to Charlottetown and doing school work was burning him out, so he only went to Dr. Ward on weekends and school during the week. This meant seeing Winifred less, which a part of Gilbert was grateful for.

On their first morning back, Gilbert, Anne, and Diana met up at the story club before walking to school. They would have invited Ruby, but they were very aware of how she'd react to Gilbert coming back and didn't want to put anyone through the excitement so early in the morning.

Anne and Diana walked ahead arm-in-arm screaming and laughing happily. They barely saw each other over the break and had so much to catch up on. Gilbert walked behind with his hands in his pockets smiling. Anne was so elated. Even after all she had been through.

The moment they stepped onto school grounds, people swarmed Gilbert excitedly. Every time Gilbert returned, he had gone on some adventure. Everyone asked him questions about what he was doing in Charlottetown, the amazing things he was learning, and, predictably, Winifred.

"How did you two meet?"

"Is it serious?"

"I heard you're going to propose, are you going to propose?"

"Did she really come for Christmas Eve?"

"How old is she?"

"Will you bring her to the ball?"

All of the questions made his head spin. He only gave passive 'I don't know's,' mostly because he didn't know the answer to most of their questions. The answers really depended on the wide-eyed red head a bit removed from the circle of people.

Anne was pretending to listen to Diana, but all she wanted to hear was Gilbert's responses to the questions about Winifred.

"Anne?" Diana poked Anne's shoulder, startling her back into reality.

"Sorry Diana, I was just-"

"Distracted by Gilbert?" Diana smirked, "I realized."

"Please tell me what you were going to say." Anne said sincerely. She felt bad for getting distracted from her best friend.

Diana took a deep breath. She had been agonizing over having this conversation with her bosom friend for a while.

"So, you know those mornings I didn't walk with you before the holidays?"

Anne didn't know where she was going, "Yes?"

"Promise you won't be vexed?" Diana held out her pinky.

"I promise." Anne locked her finger with Diana's hesitantly.

What could be so upsetting Diana needed to make me pinky promise to be okay with?

"I've been walking with Jerry." Diana said quickly.

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