• 25 • switching, strength, and secrets

654 17 117

'Thank you in advance, I don't wanna dance,

I don't need your hands all over me'


Anne couldn't focus.

Diana looked at her best friend in worry. Anne hadn't moved during the entire class. Her hands were visibly shaking and her eyes were hollow. The last thing Diana wanted was to bring attention to her, so all she did was sit and attentively watch.

Gilbert was fuming. There wasn't direct confirmation that it was Billy who attacked Anne, but he could tell. He felt it. Anne had her dissociative look when she imagined him and now she was shaking since Billy arrived.

Miss Stacy noticed the tension too, but not correctly. She just thought there was a petty rivalry. So when she announced that there was dance practice and there would be a partner switch for fun, she didn't know the chaos she created.

Miss Stacy lined the students up again. Anne stood across from Gilbert, looking pale and distracted. Gilbert was clenching his fist and trying to talk himself out of throwing yet another punch at Billy. Diana, who was paired with Charlie, looked worriedly at Anne. She prayed everything would be fine.

Miss Stacy looked at the pairs, "Okay, Charlie and Moody, switch; Gilbert and Billy, switch...."

She kept announcing, but Anne couldn't hear her anymore. Her ears were ringing.

Of course this would happen.

Gilbert walked up to her, took her hand, and leaned to her ear, "I'm right here, okay? He can't do anything to you here."

He let go and walked over to Josie. Anne stared at him longingly, praying Miss Stacy would say she was joking.

"Get into position!" Miss Stacy announced.

Everyone moved towards each other, but Anne couldn't even look at him.

Billy moved towards her instead, "Come 'ere Fido." He said so only Anne could hear.

She cringed as he walked towards her and grabbed her hand harshly.

"Good dog."

Billy put his arm on her back and chills ran up her spine.

"Paw." He commanded, referencing her hand that should be on his shoulder.

Anne was fed up. She wasn't going to allow him to scare her like this. He doesn't deserve the satisfaction.

She looked him in the eyes, "Shut up, Billy."

He looked surprised. He expected to have complete control over her. He was angry he didn't.

Much to Anne's distaste, their rhythm of dancing came together pretty quickly.

"See?" Billy cocked his head, "I told you that you were more experienced than Josie."

Anne looked over at Gilbert and Josie who were still struggling because Gilbert was only staring at Anne.

"You're a pig." She responded through gritted teeth.

Billy pulled her closer, terrifying Anne and filling Gilbert with rage.

Gilbert knew he was messing up dancing with Josie but he didn't care.

"What's wrong with you?" She caught his attention.

Gilbert clenched his jaw, "Nothing."

"Trouble in paradise?" Josie smirked.

"Josie, please, not now." Gilbert turned his attention back to Anne, who looked angry but determined.

"I'll never understand your fascination with Anne," Josie rolled her eyes, "she's just dirty trash."

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