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'You don't have to run, you don't have to hide

Cause I got you safe in my hands'


Anne ran so quickly away from Billy that she couldn't feel her legs anymore. She couldn't go home to Green Gables. Marilla would fret and ask about what happened. Anne couldn't tell her. Telling Marilla meant a call to his family and public shame. She couldn't handle that.

There was only one other place she ever considered to be a sanctuary. She knew it was Christmas Eve and she'd have to see them tomorrow, but Anne ran to the Blythe/Lacroix residence as quickly as she could in case Billy was following her. She was too scared to look back and see if he was there.

Anne reached the front door and knocked on it violently. She had to be inside somewhere. She had to feel safe.

When Gilbert heard pounding on his door, he jumped.

Who would be coming to my house on Christmas Eve?

He, Bash, Mary, and Winifred had just finished eating and everything was going well. Winifred already knew Bash, but she was successfully charming Mary as well. The conversation was light and fell a little flat, but it was pleasant enough.

Mary couldn't help but compare this girl to Anne, and there wasn't much of a comparison. Winifred was nice, but that was it. She was just nice. Mary thought of her like an Avonlea crab. It was salted and pleasant to have, but you wouldn't choose it over a dish with curry.

Gilbert rushed over to his door and gasped, "Anne?"

Anne looked awful. She was bent over trying to breathe after having run almost half a mile to get there. She was cradling her left wrist, which was presumably broken. She had stopped crying, but her face was red as if she had and she still had panic in her eyes.

She didn't know what to say or what Gilbert would do, so Anne just stood there unmoving, waiting for him to react.

Gilbert was still in shock. He didn't expect to see Anne tonight at all, especially so disheveled. Any anger he had at her was forgotten as he walked up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. He didn't know what happened and he knew he would find out. But, for now, Anne needed comfort. She needed him.

Anne latched onto him for dear life, as if she let go, Billy would take her away and hurt her. Gilbert was comforting and familiar. She got what she wanted. She felt safe.

Upon hearing Anne's name, Bash and Mary stood up from the table and ran over to the door, unintentionally leaving Winifred to stay with Delly. When they saw Gilbert and Anne hugging, they glanced at each other knowingly.

Gilbert could have over whatever girl he wanted, but she would never be Anne. They could tell something was really wrong with Anne, but it looked like Gilbert had her taken care of. They realized they needed to take care of Winifred. Just because they didn't love her didn't mean she deserved to see something like this and feel worthless.

"Gilbert, why don't you take Anne into the parlor to warm up and we'll take care of Winifred and clean up." Mary rubbed Anne's back comfortingly.

"I would appreciate that, thank you." Gilbert pulled away from Anne and looked at Mary gratefully.

"Thanks Mary." Anne tried her best to smile at Mary, who smiled, nodded, and went back to the kitchen.

"I'll stop by Green Gables and tell Marilla you're okay," Bash patted Anne's head affectionately and followed his wife out of the room.

Gilbert put his arm around Anne's back and led her into the parlor.

The fire was already going, so Gilbert helped Anne sit in front of it and took off her coat.

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