• 45 • travels, tourists, and talking

514 20 11

'I know we've both been afraid

But we can't run from the wind and the thunder

When we're dancing under the rain'


Anne sprang out of her bed excitedly. The entire day was dedicated to seeing Toronto and U of T's campus with Maggie and Charlie.

And Gilbert.

Anne was still itching to talk to him, especially after her class yesterday.

Maggie was already making them breakfast while Anne searched her suitcase for the perfect outfit.

Today was an adventure, so she decided to skip the frills and go with a more reasonable blue dress she and Marilla had sewn after Anne's birthday. Mary, knowing Anne's distaste of only owning three dresses, gave her fabrics to do what she pleased.

Everything she made, to Marilla's distaste, had puff sleeves.

But when she walked into Maggie's sitting/study room, Maggie eyed her disapprovingly.

"You look beautiful," she justified, "but this simply won't do for today."

Maggie perked up, "Would you be willing to wear pants?"

Anne's eyes widened, "You would let me wear your pants?"

"Of course," Maggie waved her hand nonchalantly, "I'll have to give you a shirt too."

"This is most exciting. I haven't dressed in pants since I played a boy in our pantomime." Anne stopped herself shaking with anticipation, "Thank you."

Maggie disappeared into her room and returned with a pile of clothing, "It's my pleasure."

Anne took a deep breath, put the clothes on, and followed Maggie out of her room to find the boys.

While the girls were getting dressed, the boys threw on the first outfit they saw and went to a lawn where they tossed a ball back and forth.

Gilbert's athletic abilities were poor that day. His head was full of thoughts that had nothing to do with hand-eye coordination.

"You need to get yourself together," Charlie called to him, missing the ball entirely.

"Speak for yourself," Gilbert retorted, "you're just as bad as I am."

Charlie huffed, "I'm just off my game."


"Well you throw like a gi-"

"Girl?" Maggie joined them with her arms crossed, "You just can't play sports, don't pin this on a gender."

Anne stifled a laugh, making Gilbert acknowledge her presence.



He was practically speechless, "You, uh, look different."

Anne beamed, knowing how great she looked. Maggie lended her dark blue bloomers with a baggy baby blue peasant top. The clothes were slightly too big, but Anne felt confident. That confidence exuded a beauty Gilbert couldn't describe.

"We're going on an adventure," Anne loved how taken back he was, "I'm dressed for the occasion."

"Certainly." He breathed.

Maggie smiled and Charlie rolled his eyes.

"Let's go." Charlie walked past where Anne and Gilbert were standing and headed towards the city, "We have a long day."

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