• 8 • blythe, bridges, and beginnings

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'Besides, maybe this time it's different

I mean I really think you like me'


Anne walked home from school absolutely mortified.

I have to dance with Gilbert Blythe.

Of all the boys in her class, of course she was paired with Gilbert.

Gilbert with his flirty charm and probably soft curly hair and strong arms and remarkable intelligence and strive to do good for the world.

Anne, stop. You're mad at him.

Gilbert also left school angry.

It was bad enough he had to work on the Green Gables farm, now he had to dance with Anne too?

He wanted to love her and deep deep down he knew he did. But right now was not the right time for them to get up close and personal. Not when they were so frustrated and about to rip each other's heads off.

Maybe they didn't want to think about it or actually forgot, but both Anne and Gilbert were walking to Green Gables. So when they bumped into each other, they were genuinely surprised.

"Gilbert." Anne didn't even look at him.

Honestly, she was afraid to. She knew the moment she looked into his eyes, she would forgive him. Anne thought forgiving him was weak and she was not weak.

Gilbert looked down at the girl who refused to even look at him. He just wanted this to be over with. They had to get over it if they were supposed to work together.

"Anne, I-"

"I'm sorry Gilbert." Anne blurted out.

That was the last thing Gilbert expected, "What?"

Anne took a deep breath. She had been practicing this speech since she walked away from Gilbert last week.

"I was sad and mean and you were there."

Anne finally looked into his eyes.

His eyes were looking deep into her soul. Anne knew she was blushing.

"Nothing that happened was your fault and I shouldn't have blamed you for it."

Gilbert flinched as he remembered Matthew dying in his hands. He still felt like it was his fault.

Anne continued, "If anything, I should thank you. You were there the night he died and you came back during the funeral. I owe you more than an apology."

Gilbert scratched the back of his neck nervously. He had held Anne in his arms and clearly knew how he felt in that moment. Despite the circumstances, he'd never regret being there.

Gilbert flashed his charming half-smile, "Water under the bridge."

Anne felt her face go hot. The butterflies in her stomach were back at full force.

Stop thinking of him like that.

Anne stuck out her hand, "Friends?"

"Friends," Gilbert shook her hand, ignoring how it made him feel tingly, "and dance partners."

If it was possible, Anne's face turned even more red.

"Don't push your luck."

The two walked back to Green Gables talking about everything from Anne's troubles with biology to Gilbert's excitement for the new baby.

"Do they have a plan for a name?" Anne looked up at Gilbert who smiled.

"The plan is Delphine for a girl and John for a boy."

"John, as in your father?"

Gilbert's smile fell, "Yes, they wanted to honor him for me. We all think Mary will have a girl though."

"Why don't you use his name?" Anne didn't even think about what she was saying and the conversation she was about to start.

"What do you mean?"

He knew exactly what she meant. He just didn't want to say it.

"When you have kids...," Anne gulped, "if that's what you want. You can name your son after him."

Anne felt herself smile, "I want to name mine after Matthew. Even if it's just his middle name."

Gilbert raised his eyebrows, "The Anne Shirley-Cuthbert plans on having kids?"

"Well someone needs to keep the Cuthbert name. I plan on keeping my own name, if that isn't obvious." Anne stated confidently.

"That's very unsurprising, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert."

"Too much mystery is exhausting, Gilbert Blythe."

When they reach the Green Gables porch, Anne and Gilbert stop and face each other.

Both are unbelievably elated from their walk and secured friendship.

Maybe dancing together wouldn't be so bad after all.

"I'm glad we're friends again." Gilbert smiled softly at Anne, who looked down at her feet in embarrassment.

"Me too." She picked her head up and they locked eyes.

All Gilbert could think was:

She's so beautiful.

And all Anne could think was:

What is this feeling?

"Anne, Gilbert?"

Marilla opened the front door to the two teens completely lost in each other's eyes.

Marilla wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what was happening and she was surprisingly okay with it. She was certain the two would eventually come together.

As long as it was eventually.

Anne and Gilbert jumped at the door opening. Almost as if they were doing something embarrassing or wrong.

Marilla just smiled, "Anne, I need you inside for some chores. Gilbert, I think Bash is waiting for you in the field. Thank you for your help."

Gilbert gave her his charming smile, "It's our pleasure, Mrs. Cuthbert."

"Please, Marilla is fine."


Gilbert walked outside, leaving Marilla and Anne to stare at each other awkwardly.

"For reference, Marilla, there was nothing romantical about that encounter."

Marilla furrowed her eyebrows, "I never said there was."

Nothing romantical at all. 

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