• 19 • working, worthy, and winifred

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'We're pulling apart and coming

Together again and again'


It was only two days until Christmas, and Gilbert had been working in Charlottetown for almost a month.

After he and Anne fought, he lost real reason to keep only studying in Avonlea. He knew what opportunities awaited him in Charlottetown, so he took advantage of them.

That's how he began working under Doctor Ward. Being one of the only giving doctors in PEI, Dr. Ward allowed Gilbert to shadow his work as long as he helped maintain the practice. Gilbert happily obliged, knowing jobs like this would get him ahead in medical school. So everyday, he took the train into Charlottetown and worked until sunset. Miss Stacy dropped off any important lessons he missed and needed to study for the exam.

That's how Gilbert met Winifred, the charming receptionist for Dr. Ward. The two spent time together on breaks and grew fond of each other. They now went out to tea every morning and spent hours talking.

Winifred was enamored by Gilbert's boyish charm. His life story was so non-traditional compared to the other men her father threw her way. For once, she was deciding who she was seeing, and it was liberating. Gilbert had drive and ambition to do good for the world, not money and power to fiddle with.

Gilbert wouldn't admit this, but he found Winifred awfully boring sometimes. He appreciated her wit and ability to listen. She was charming and evidently beautiful, but she didn't have any spark. There was something lacking in her that he couldn't discern.

She wasn't Anne.

But Gilbert didn't care. He needed a new confidant, and she was there. He had nothing to lose by spending his time with her.

Or so he thought.

It all changed the day she asked, "So who is this Anne everyone speaks of?"

Gilbert and Winifred were at their morning tea two days before Christmas. He had already invited her to meet Bash, Mary, and Delly on Christmas Eve.

At the sound of her name, Gilbert felt his stomach drop, "Who's speaking of her?"

"Mostly you, actually." Winifred said curtly.

Winifred wasn't blind. Gilbert had been talking about Anne since they first met. She wasn't sure exactly what happened between them, and she had a feeling she might never truly know, but she wanted to know something before hearing more about her on Christmas Eve.
Gilbert scratched the back of his neck, "She was a friend from Avonlea."

Winifred didn't believe him at all, "A friend?"

Gilbert had difficulty lying. He could barely lie to Billy, let alone someone he cared about. But he knew telling Winifred the truth wouldn't end well, "A friend."

"I believe you." She said genuinely.

Gilbert hated himself for lying to her, but he did what he does best and put on his boyish smile, "Good."

He took a sip of tea before smiling, "Now tell me about all of your suitors."

Winifred bit her cheek to avoid laughing, "Well there is this one just despicable one."

Gilbert leaned forward in his seat, "Tell me the nasty details." He said playfully.

"Well he has this endearing spirit of a boy who knows nothing about high society." Winifred smirked at him.

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