• 52 • boxes, business, and buyouts

196 8 18

'Take me some place where you'll never slip away'


Miss Stacy clapped her hands together, which quickly brought a smile to Anne's face. It was like nothing had changed.

"All right, alumni," she winked, "I know I'm no longer your teacher, but I was recruited to bring you all back together for one final dance practice."

The ex-students cheered in excitement. Their dance, an event rumored for almost a year now, was finally taking place Saturday.

"There's no time to waste," Miss Stacy announced, "Get into your partners and let's waltz!"

The entire room paired off, leaving Anne and Gilbert to each other.

Gilbert gave his classic charming smile as he bowed and held out his hand, "May I?"

Anne couldn't help but smile. After weeks of tears and torment, she was opening up again.

She let people in Green Gables willingly, even Rachel. Almost every night she ate dinner with someone, whether the Barry's, Jerry's family, and of course the LaCroix's. She re-entered society to see her friends again at their story club.

Anne saw Gilbert every single day, but she never got sick of that smile.

"You may."

As they got into position, Anne noticed something on the floor.

"Wait," she let go of his hand and looked down at their feet, "you dropped something."

Gilbert's eyes lowered and his heart rate spiked when he saw what fell.

Anne bent down and picked it up. A box. Tiny, covered in black velvet, small enough to contain-

"A ring." Anne muttered, mostly to herself, but not quiet enough that Gilbert didn't hear.

Gilbert dropped to the floor quickly, and reached for the box in Anne's hand.

Not now.

Before she could stop him, he was shoving it down his pocket.

"Sorry." He said so softly, Anne could barely hear him.

Gilbert stood up and put out his hand for Anne to take as she got herself up. But she didn't even look at him, let alone accept his help.

When Anne was upright, she kept staring at the floor where the ring had fallen. She truly felt like a truck hit her.

Of course, everything with Winifred had been lingering in the back of her mind. "Winnie" was still very much in the picture, and so far an undecided piece of Gilbert's future. But Anne hadn't seen her in months. It was just Anne and Gilbert at all times.

But now she stood, arms crossed, avoiding eye contact with the boy in front of her.

Gilbert searched her face, hoping she'd look up at him and come back to reality. Everything was going so well. Today was supposed to be a good day.

He placed his hand on her arm, "Anne, it's not what it loo-"

"Into positions everyone!" Miss Stacy announced, forcing Anne out of her trance and, to Anne's pleasure, interrupting Gilbert.

Gilbert didn't do his usual 'May I?' charm. Instead, he put his arm out and allowed Anne to take his hand when she was ready.

Still avoiding eye contact, Anne placed her hand in his and held his shoulder with the other. Prompted, Gilbert took her waist, but didn't pull her any closer. He knew he was treading on dangerous waters.

Heart Attack • ShirbertWhere stories live. Discover now