• 50 • marilla

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'Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know

A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved'


You can never prepare for the death of a loved one. It always crashes down when you least expect it. One moment you hold them in your arms.

The next, they're simply gone.

Marilla passed within a week of Anne's return. Her condition quickly worsened, and everyone knew it was only a matter of time. After extensive research, Gilbert found it was remarkable Marilla lived as long as she did.

No one could deny her resilience.

The Cuthbert girls spent the week preparing Anne for what was to come. Convincing the bank to put Anne's name on every official document was a tiresome task, but Anne could be convincing when she wanted to.

Now she stood alone over Marilla's grave.

The past two days were full of unsolicited reheat-able meals, empty 'I'm sorry for your loss's, and robotic 'let me know if I can help's.

Anne was numb.

She began sleeping in Marilla's bed, despite everyone she knew urging her to stay with them. In fact, she rarely left Green Gables at all. She had more than enough food and never found the energy to join the boys in the fields.

The only person she spoke to was Rachel. Anne couldn't ward off Rachel if she tried.

Rachel busted into Green Gables everyday, talking at Anne about how she should move forward with her life.

"You have to decide whether you'll sell Green Gables or not." 

Rachel rummaged around the Cuthbert's kitchen invasively. Anne had no idea what she was trying to find and didn't intend on asking.

"Sell Green Gables?" Anne rubbed her forehead, "Marilla would have a conniption."

Rachel stopped in her tracks and put her hands on her hips, "I believe Marilla told you it was a financially feasible choice."

She had. Multiple times, despite Anne's protesting.

Anne knew she was right. Selling Green Gables and moving off to college was financially advantageous. The new owners would take over the work, so there was no worry of Gilbert and Anne's absence.

But how could she just give up Green Gables?

"Who would even want it?"

Rachel tapped her foot, "Probably one of those rich families. You're friends with the Barry girl right?"


"Yes, yes, or the Andrews?"

"No!" Anne slammed her hands on the table in frustration. 

This was not the time to bring up the Andrews.

Rachel gasped and held her chest, "My goodness, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, what has become of you?"

"How can you talk about Green Gables like it's just another piece of land to sell?" Anne's hands were burning.

Rachel gaped, "I-"

"My mother just died, Rachel. I'm an orphan again. Can't you let me grieve?" 

Anne's rage was flowing inside her. If Rachel tested her even one more time, she'd say something she couldn't take back.

"I'm going on a walk." Anne stated as she stood and ignored any apologies Rachel threw at her as she walked out the door.


Heart Attack • ShirbertWhere stories live. Discover now