• 5 • help, hands, and hearts

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'When you move, I move'


Weeks passed and the Cuthbert girls fell into a new rhythm. Anne still refused to go to school, but Marilla allowed her to go to her story club and visit Diana. As practical as Marilla was, she understood the need to grieve.

Both of them, with the extensive help of Jerry, kept the farm going by putting in countless hours every day. Because Aunt Josephine paid for Jerry, they were able to keep him on as a farm hand. Aunt Jo even raised his salary.

But Marilla was too realistic to accept this way of life. Anne had to go back to school and harvest season would be there before they knew it. Every night when Anne went to bed, Marilla explored their options, scratching numbers on a paper and rubbing her forehead in distress.

There's no way we can afford to keep Green Gables.

It was a quiet Friday afternoon when Anne and Marilla heard someone knock on their door.

The two hadn't any guests in weeks. Even Rachel Lynde held off to give Marilla space. No one knew how to approach them or what to say.

"Anne," Marilla was in the middle of cooking up some eggs, "please get that."

Anne rolled her eyes. She had moved from sad to angry to angsty since Matthew's death.

"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, you get that door now!"

Anne reluctantly huffed before walking over to the door.

She had no idea who would be there, and assumed it was probably just Rachel.

No words could explain her surprise when she opened the door to a smiling Bash.

"Bash!" Anne exclaimed, genuinely excited.

She quickly remembered her manners and added a, "Please come in, would you like tea?"

Marilla would never tell Anne this, but she was pleasantly surprised at Anne's hospitality as she matured.

Bash shook his head and walked in, "Thank you, Anne, lovely to see you Miss Marilla."

Marilla gestured Bash in to sit at their kitchen table and began boiling water. Anne sat across from him, "What brought you here?"

Bash had been thinking about making this visit since Matthew passed. Matthew had been so kind to his family, and Bash felt the need to help the Cuthbert girls as much possible.

When Gilbert's father died, Matthew had offered his and Jerry's assistance on the Blythe farm. Bash was here to do the same favor.

"I can see you ladies have kept a wonderful and warm house over at Green Gables." He looked around the house that seemed a little cleaner than it had when Matthew was around.

Anne and Marilla knew what he meant. They kept this house up to good standards despite their circumstances. Every success was now seen as a despite their circumstances.

Bash felt bad for unintentionally creating that tension and cleared his throat, "I'm not going to beat around the bush because I know ya wouldn't appreciate it."

He was right.

"Blythe told me after his father died, Matthew offered to help keep the farm going out of the kindness of his heart."

The memory of Matthew's giving spirit left a pain in all of their hearts.

"I want to offer that same help. Blythe and I have the farm under control. Let us help Green Gables...for Matthew."

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