• 23 • christmas, crimes, and confessions

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'Christmas eve will find me

Where the love light gleams'


Marilla Cuthbert arrived at the Blythe/Lacroix home early on Christmas morning. She wanted to be there with Anne when she woke up. It was their first Christmas since Matthew died, and she needed to make sure they spent it together.

She was greeted by a smiling Mary and equally joyful Delly, who was sucking her hand.

"Good morning Marilla, Merry Christmas!" Mary said cheerfully as she motioned Marilla to come in.

"Merry Christmas Mary and Delly!" Marilla poked the baby's nose, making her gurgle, "Where's Anne?"

"I think she's still sleeping upstairs." Mary gestured towards the stairs and went back to stirring a pot of something that smelled amazing.

Marilla was genuinely excited to give Anne a fantastic first Christmas without Matthew, "Do you mind if I go up?"

"Not at all." Mary smiled, "She's in Gilbert's room."

Marilla climbed the stairs quietly and opened the door of Gilbert's room.

She saw Anne's wild hair spread over the pillows and smiled. She was just glad Anne was okay.

But then Marilla noticed an extra arm and another tuft of hair.

Oh goodness me!

Anne and Gilbert were sharing the bed and, even worse, she was tangled around him.

Marilla was about to yell and wake them up before a hand tapped her back, "Miss Marilla?"

Completely bewildered, she turned around to see Bash, who beckoned her to come back downstairs with him.

He put his hands in surrender, "I know how it looks, but I know those kids and so do you. Nothing happened between those two."

Marilla looked at him doubtfully, so he added, "She had a traumatic night and needed someone to be there."

Marilla scoffed, "Sebastian, they're unmarried children."

"They're good children." He emphasized.

Marilla was astonished that anyone could let this go, "I'm a Catholic woman!"

"And a great one at that," Bash assured her, "But this extends beyond faith ma'am. Mary and I don't know what happened to Anne yesterday, but we have a pretty good idea. She needed someone."

Mary joined them, "Doesn't she often have nightmares?" She asked with a soft tone.

"Almost every night." Marilla's heart hurt, "Matthew used to go in and calm her but I don't think I've had the same effect."

Mary smiled, "She didn't have any last night."

Marilla's head was spinning. Was she about to be okay with two unmarried children sleeping in a bed together?

Bash broke her train of thought, "I usually hear Blythe walking about at night because he has bad insomnia. I didn't hear him last night."

"Neither did I." Mary bounced Delly on her hip.

"We can talk to them after Christmas," Bash insisted, "but we should let them enjoy today. I think being together was good for them."

Marilla sighed in defeat, "May the good lord forgive my ignorance for one day."

Bash smiled, "I'm sure he will."

Meanwhile upstairs, the sound of Marilla's descending steps on the stairs shook Gilbert awake.

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