• 30 • acceptance, assumptions, and articles

608 14 50

'Did you see that shooting star tonight?

Were you dazzled by the same constellation?'


Avonlea needed all hands on deck to repair town hall so school was canceled for the next three weeks. Gilbert, who easily charmed his way out of working, took the opportunity to shadow Dr. Ward more often. More time with Dr. Ward meant more time in Charlottetown. Spending more time in Charlottetown meant meeting with Winifred more often. Gilbert would lying to himself if he claimed he didn't feel something for Winifred.

The Sunday before school would start again in mid-February, Winifred's parents insisted Gilbert come for dinner.

They welcomed him into a house even bigger than Josephine Barry's. Gilbert thought about how Anne would describe it as 'a vast structure full of the most wondrous artifacts money could buy, towering like a tree over the tiniest cricket.'

He shook his head: Stop thinking about Anne.

They sat in the parlor when Mr. Rose cleared his throat, "It's been a while, hasn't it Mr. Blythe?"

"It certainly has." Gilbert nodded respectfully, "Thank you for inviting me to dinner."

Mr. Rose chuckled, "It's the least we could do after you took in our Winnie for a whole night."

"Yes, father, I'm quite the horror to be around." Winifred sat next to Gilbert and placed her hand gently on his arm.

Why don't I feel anything?

Gilbert blinked and brought himself out of his thoughts, "She was a delight." He gave a dashing smile, "Mary, Sebastian, and I were happy to have her."

"Ah, yes," Mrs. Rose sat next to her husband, "the famous Bash and his lovely wife, Mary. Tell me, how is their new baby?"

"Delphine is exactly as any 2 months old baby should be: loud."

The Roses bursted into laughter and gave Gilbert a surge of confidence. Just because things looked bleak with Anne didn't mean he was out of options. He could still find some sort of happiness.


Winifred smiled pointedly, "You know, father, Gilbert assisted in Delly's birth."

Winifred's parents looked pleasantly surprised. Something flashed in Mr. Rose's eyes.


Mr. Rose leaned forward, "Tell us, son, what are your intentions working with Dr. Ward? Winnie tells us you've been coming for months now."

"Well," Gilbert paused, convinced he was about to look like a fool, "I'm looking to pursue a degree in medicine."

Gilbert expected them to laugh again. How could a country boy expect to obtain such a high status in life with no money or social standing?

But instead, Mr. Rose looked pleased, "Medicine? A lucrative field indeed. Tell me, is that an education you can get at Queen's? Winnie never reviewed such an esteemed profession."

Winifred gasped jokingly, "I'm sorry we aren't all excited to poke people with needles."

They shared a short laugh before Gilbert continued, "I'm not aware of the Queen's program, but I've been searching elsewhere. The Sorbonne in Paris was recently profiled in the London Times, though that doesn't seem like an immediate option."

"Why not?" Mrs. Rose chimed in, looking genuinely concerned.

"My financial situation and test scores are still very uncertain, but I see it sometime in my future, whenever that may be."

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