• 60 • fixing, flirting, and fleeing

162 10 14

'I wanna dance with somebody

With somebody who loves me'


As Gilbert approached the Green Gables porch he took his final opportunity to straighten his shirt and ran his fingers through his hair.

Why am I so nervous? It's just Anne.

The thing was, it wasn't just Anne. It was the girl he was in love with.

Sure, he always had been in love with her, but now she admitted to loving him too. Now there was an element of courtship sprinkled into their longing friendship. He wanted to be the best he could possibly be for her.

Gilbert took one last deep breath before ascending the porch.

Anne, unknowingly to Gilbert, had been peering out of her bedroom window the entire time, shushing a giggling Diana next to her.

"Look at him fixing his hair!" Diana squealed.

"Diana! He'll hear you!" Anne whisper-yelled at her friend.

"Surely he cannot hear me all the way up here." Diana rolled her eyes, still giggling.

They clamored downstairs excitedly hand-in-hand.

When Gilbert knocked on the door, Anne giggled with Diana one more time before opening the door.

Gilbert's mouth gaped the moment he opened the door, "Anne you look-"

The realm of possibilities was endless.

"Breathtaking." He breathed, finally able to react to how much Anne's beauty enamored him.

Anne dreamt of being called many compliments: darling, beautiful, ravishing, gorgeous, to name a few. But breathtaking? It never even crossed her mind.

Anne weighted her options for a response. Thank him? Compliment him?

Kiss him.

With no care for the neatness of his tie, Anne used it to pull his lips against hers, with the tiniest triumphant smile.

Gilbert just placed his hands gently on her waist, grateful for every moment he had left with Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.

Diana covered her mouth, but not enough to contain giggles.

"Anne! How bold!"

"Breathless, huh?" Anne asked when they separated.

"Quite literally." Gilbert didn't let go of her waist.

Anne felt giddy. Like the weight of pertinent choices was off her shoulders for good.

"Well, Gilbert Blythe," she straightened his tie again, "I think you're dreamy."

Gilbert's smile dropped and he stepped back from Anne.

"Anne, Anne are you okay?" He snapped in front of her face.

"What?" Anne batted at his hand, "Stop it!"

"You've only ever called me dreamy while drunk!"

Anne laughed and caught his hand mid-snap, "I'm not drunk!"

With his free hand, Gilbert held up two fingers, "How many fingers?"


Gilbert flipped his hand, popping up an extra finger in the process, "Looks like three to me Carrots."

Anne shook her head, unable to stop herself from laughing, "You are incorrigible."

"And dreamy?"

"And dreamy."

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